Using the command line tool


Document detailing the use of the tool to perform REST requests to Apama EPL Apps in Cumulocity IoT.


The tool in the scripts directory of the SDK allows you to interact with your Apama EPL apps in Cumulocity IoT using the command line.

The commands available are:

  • list - Prints details of your existing EPL apps in Cumulocity IoT.

  • deploy - Uploads a local .mon file to EPL apps in Cumulocity IoT.

  • delete - Deletes an EPL app from Cumulocity IoT.

  • update - Updates one or more of the fields of an existing EPL app in Cumulocity IoT.

All of these commands have the following mandatory options for connecting to your Cumulocity IoT tenant:

  • -c | --cumulocity_url <url> - The base URL of your Cumulocity IoT tenant.

  • -u | --username <username> - Your Cumulocity IoT username.

  • -p | --password <password> - Your Cumulocity IoT password.

Each command also has an optional -h | --help option which prints a usage message for that command, for example: <command> --help

Printing a list of your EPL apps

To print a list of all of your existing EPL apps in Cumulocity IoT, you can use the list command as follows: list --cumulocity_url <url> --username <username> --password <password>

For each EPL app the name, description, state, and lists of warnings or errors are printed.

Deploying to Apama EPL Apps in Cumulocity IoT

The deploy command has an additional mandatory option:

  • -f | --file <file> - The path to the .mon file you wish to upload to Cumulocity IoT as an EPL app.

Thus, the minimal command for deploying to Apama EPL Apps would look like the following: deploy -c <url> -u <username> -p <password> -f <monFile>

This would upload an active EPL app with no description and the same name as the .mon file specified.

The deploy command also has the following optional options:

  • -n | --name <name> - The name of the EPL app to be deployed. This option takes 1 argument. By default, this will be the name of the .mon file specified by the --file option.

  • -d | --description <description> - A description of the EPL app. This option takes 1 argument.

  • -i | --inactive - Deploys the EPL app in an ‘inactive’ state (by default, the state will be ‘active’).

  • -r | --redeploy - Overwrites the contents of an existing EPL app of name specified by the --name option.

Deleting an EPL app

The delete command also has an additional mandatory option:

  • -n | --name <name> - The name of the the EPL app you wish to delete from your Cumulocity IoT tenant.

For example: delete -c <url> -u <username> -p <password> -n <name>

Updating an existing EPL app

You can update the contents, name, description, or state of an existing EPL app in Cumulocity IoT using the update command which, like the delete command, has an additional mandatory option:

  • -n | --name <name> - The name of the EPL app you wish to update.

The update command also has the following optional options, of which at least 1 needs to be specified:

  • -w | --new_name <name> - The new name of the EPL app to be updated. This option takes 1 argument.

  • -f | --file <file> - The path to a .mon file containing the new contents of the EPL app to be updated.

  • -d | --description <description> - The new description of the EPL app to be updated. This option takes 1 argument.

  • -a | --state <active/inactive> - The state of the EPL app can be set to either ‘active’ or ‘inactive’.

An example of an update command where we are changing all of the EPL app fields would thus look like the following: update -c <url> -u <username> -p <password> -n <old_name> -w <new_name> -f <monFile> -d "new description" -s active