Source code for adapya.base.smfrecordz

# IBM System management Facilities (SMF) record structures
# (only some SMF30 record types)

from adapya.base.datamap import Datamap,Bytes,str_str,Int2,Int4,\

percent = lambda i: "%d %%" % i
plural_s = lambda j: '' if j == 1 else 's'
dezi = lambda i: dot1 * i  # dezi(123) returns decimal('12.3')

div256 = lambda i: '%.2f' % (i/256.,)

[docs]def dtime100(i): "return readable time since midnight 1/100 sec precision" hh = i/(100*3600) mm = i/(100*60) - hh*60 ss = i/100 - hh*60*60 - mm*60 hs = i%100 return '%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d' % (hh,mm,ss,hs)
[docs]def idate(i): " Return string from IBM date 0cyyddd " if i > 100000: return '20%02d.%03d' % ( (i-100000)/1000, i%1000 ) else: return '19%02d.%03d' % (i/1000, i%1000)
[docs]def i2dt(idat,itim): """Convert industry date time to datetime object :param idat: integer IBM industry date 0cyyddd :param itim: integer IBM time in 100ths of a second in day """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta hh=mm=ss=hs=0 if idat > 100000: yy = 2000 + (idat-100000) // 1000 else: yy = 2000 + idat // 1000 tdays = timedelta(idat%1000 - 1) # day in year starting with 0 if itim: hh = itim/(100*3600) mm = itim/(100*60) - hh*60 ss = itim/100 - hh*60*60 - mm*60 hs = itim%100 return datetime(yy,1,1,hh,mm,ss,hs*10000)+tdays
# # Standard SMF record header #
[docs]class Smf(Datamap): def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'SMF Record Header', Int2('rlen'), # Record length RDW header Uint1('seg'), # Segment control Uint1('seg2'), # Segment control 2 (unused) Bytes('flg',1,caption='System indicator'), # System indicator flags #q Asfxxx equ x'80' subsystem id follows system id #q Asfstv equ x'40' subtypes are valid #q Asfv4 equ x'10' mvs/sp v4 and above #q Asfv3 equ x'08' mvs/sp v3 and above #q Asfv2 equ x'04' mvs/sp v2 and above #q Asfvs2 equ x'02' vs2 Uint1('rty',caption='SMF record type'), # SMF record type Uint4('tme',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Record creation time'), # Time since midnight # when record was moved into smf buffer in 1/100 sec Packed('dte',4,ppfunc=idate,caption='Record creation date'), # Date when record was # moved into smf buffer as 0cyydddf String('sid',4,caption='System identifier'), # smfprmxx sid # up to here if SMF record withtout subtypes String('ssi',4,caption='Subsystem identifier'), Uint2('sty',caption='Subtype'), # Subtype ppfunc=Asbase.assty_str byteOrder=NETWORKBO,ebcdic=1,**kw)
SMFWOS = 0x12 # without subtypes # dmlen = 0x18 # with subtypes # # SMF record type 30: Accounting information "Common address space work" #
[docs]class Smf30(Datamap): def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'SMF30 Acccounting Information Record', Int2('rlen'), # Record length RDW header Uint1('seg'), # Segment control Uint1('seg2'), # Segment control 2 (unused) Bytes('flg',1,caption='System indicator'), # System indicator flags Uint1('rty',caption='SMF record type'), # SMF record type Uint4('tme',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Record creation time'), # Time since midnight # when record was moved into smf buffer in 1/100 sec Packed('dte',4,ppfunc=idate,caption='Record creation date'), # Date when record was # moved into smf buffer as 0cyydddf String('sid',4,caption='System identifier'), # smfprmxx sid String('ssi',4,caption='Subsystem identifier'), Uint2('sty',caption='Subtype'), # Subtype ppfunc=Asbase.assty_str #q Asbasel equ *-asbase length of standard header # Self-defining section offset 0x14 w/o RDW # Bytes('sds',152,opt=T_NONE,caption='Self defining section'), # too short # Subsystem section # following offsets number are + 4 because our record is w/o RDW Uint4('sof'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('sln'), # Length of subsystem section Uint2('son'), # Number of subsystem section(s) # Identification section (always present) Uint4('iof'), # Offset to id section from record start + 4 Uint2('iln'), # Length of id section Uint2('ion'), # Number of id section(s) # I/O activity section Uint4('uof'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('uln'), # Length of section Uint2('uon'), # Number of sections # Completion section Uint4('tof'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('tln'), # Length of section Uint2('ton'), # Number of sections # Processor section Uint4('cof'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('cln'), # Length of section Uint2('con'), # Number of sections # Accouting section Uint4('aof'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('aln'), # Length of section Uint2('aon'), # Number of sections # Storage section Uint4('rof'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('rln'), # Length of section Uint2('ron'), # Number of sections # Performance section Uint4('pof'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('pln'), # Length of section Uint2('pon'), # Number of sections # Operator section Uint4('oof'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('oln'), # Length of section Uint2('oon'), # Number of sections # EXCP section Uint4('eof'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('eln'), # Length of section Uint2('eon'), # Number of sections Uint2('eor'), # Number of segments in subsequent records (might be invalid) Uint2('rvd'), # reserved Uint4('eos'), # Number of segments in subsequent records (fullword) # APPC/MVS section Uint4('dro'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('drl'), # Length of section Uint2('drn'), # Number of sections # APPC/MVS section cumulative Uint4('aro'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('arl'), # Length of section Uint2('arn'), # Number of sections # OpenMVS section Uint4('opo'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('opl'), # Length of section Uint2('opn'), # Number of sections Uint4('opm'), # Number of sections in subsequent records # Usage section Uint4('udo'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('udl'), # Length of section Uint2('uds'), # Number of sections # First ARM section Uint4('rmo'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('rml'), # Length of section Uint2('rmn'), # Number of sections Uint4('rms'), # Number of sections in subsequent records # MultiSystem Enclave Remote System Data section Uint4('mof'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('mln'), # Length of section Uint2('mno'), # Number of sections Uint4('mos'), # Number of sections in subsequent records # Counter Data section Uint4('cdo'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('cdl'), # Length of section Uint2('cdn'), # Number of sections # zEDC usage statistics section Uint4('uso'), # Offset to section from record start + 4 Uint2('usl'), # Length of section Uint2('usn'), # Number of sections byteOrder=NETWORKBO,ebcdic=1,**kw)
# # Smf30pss - Product or Subsystem Section #
[docs]class Smf30pss(Datamap): @staticmethod def subtyp_str(i): return str_str(i, {1:'Job/work unit start', 2:'Interval activity', 3:'Last interval before step term', 4:'Step total', 5:'Job/work unit term', 6:'System address space'}) def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'Product or Subsystem Section', Uint2('typ',caption='SMF30 sub type',ppfunc=self.subtyp_str), String('rs1',2,opt=T_NONE), String('rvn',2,caption='Record version number'), String('pnm',8,caption='Subsystem product name'), String('osl',8,caption='MVS product level'), String('syn',8,caption='System name'), String('syp',8,caption='Sysplex name'), byteOrder=NETWORKBO,ebcdic=1,**kw)
# # Smf30id - Job or Session Identification Section #
[docs]class Smf30id(Datamap): def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'Job/Session Id Section', String('jbn',8,caption='Job/session name'), # JMRJOB String('pgm',8,caption='Program name'), # SCTPGMNM '*.DD.' if backward reference String('stm',8,caption='Step name'), # SCTSNAME String('uif',8,caption='User id'), # JMRUSEID taken from the common exit parm String('jnm',8,caption='JES job id'), # SSIB Uint2('stn',caption='Step number'), # SCTSNUMB, first step = 1 String('cls',1,caption='Job class'), # JCTJCSMF, zero for TSO/started task Uint1('jb1',caption='Job/Session Id section flag'), Uint2('pgn',caption='Job performance group member'), # OUCBNPG Uint2('jpt',caption='JES input priority'), # JCTJPRTY Uint4('ast',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Device allocation start time'), # TCTAST Uint4('pss',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Problem program start time'), # TCTPPST Uint4('sit',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Time initiator selected step'), # JCTJMRSS Packed('std',4,ppfunc=idate,caption='Date initiator selected step'), # JCTSSD Uint4('rst',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Time reader found job card'), # JMRENTRY Packed('rsd',4,ppfunc=idate,caption='Date reader found job card'), # JMREDATE Uint4('ret',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Time reader found end of job'), Packed('red',4,ppfunc=idate,caption='Date reader found end of job'), String('usr',20,caption='Programmers name'),# ACTPRGNM String('grp',8,caption='RACF group id'), # ACEEGRPN String('rud',8,caption='RACF user id'), # ACEEUSRI String('tid',8,caption='RACF terminal id'), # ACEETRMF String('tsn',8,caption='Terminal sybolic name'), # TSBTRMID String('psn',8,caption='Step name invoking procedure'), # SCTSCLPC, blanks if step not part of expanded procedure String('cl8',8,caption='Job class'), # LCTCLASS or JCTJCSMF Uint8('iss',opt=T_STCK,caption='Interval start time'), # TCTISS for subtype 2, 3 and 6 records Uint8('iet',opt=T_STCK,caption='Interval end time'), # SMCXINTE for subtype 2, 3 and 6 records Uint4('ssn',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Sub-step number'),# SCTSSNUM String('exn',16,caption='OpenMVS program name'), Uint2('asi',opt=T_HEX,caption='Address space id'), # ASCBASID String('cor',64,opt=T_NONE,caption='JES job correlator'), # JMRJOBCORRELATOR byteOrder=NETWORKBO,ebcdic=1,**kw)
# # Smf30prf - Performance Section # (currently only few selected fields :-) #
[docs]class Smf30prf(Datamap): def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'Performance section', Uint2('snf',ppfunc=div256,caption='zIIP normalization factor',pos=0x88), # to convert between real zIIP times and normalized zIIP times (=equivalent time on normal CP) # multiply zIIP time with snf and divide by 256 Bytes('prf',0xd8,opt=T_NONE,caption='prf DSECT',pos=0), # todo: define more fields in structure byteOrder=NETWORKBO,ebcdic=1,**kw)
# # Smf30cas - CPU Accounting Section #
[docs]class Smf30cas(Datamap): def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'CPU accounting section', Uint2('pty',caption='Address space dispatching priority'), # from DPRTY parm on EXEC card or APG value in CVTAPG Bytes('tfl1',1,caption='Timer Flag1'), Bytes('tfl2',1,caption='Timer Flag2'), #o todo flag bits Uint4('cpt',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Step CPU time under TCB'), # ASCBEJST OR (ACTJTIME + ASSBASST + RQSVECPT - TCTEJST) # only consumption of GCP not zIIPs,zAAPs, includes enclave time Uint4('cps',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Step CPU time under SRB'), # ASCBSRBT OR (SCTSRBT-TCTSRBT) Uint4('icu',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Initiator CPU time under TCB'), # ASCBEJST+TCTITCB # Total working CPU time for initiator under the TCB. It includes values of # SMF30ICU_Step_Term (time spent in termination of the previous step) and # SMF30ICU_Step_Init (time spent in initialization of the current step) Uint4('isb',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Initiator CPU time under SRB'), # ASCBSRBT+TCTISRB # Total working CPU time for the initiator under any SRB. It includes values of # SMF30ISB_Step_Term (time spent in termination of the previous step) and # SMF30ISB_Step_Init (time spent in initialization of the current step) Uint4('jvu',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Step Vector usage time'), Uint4('ivu',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Initiator Vector usage time'), Uint4('jva',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Step Vector affinity time'), Uint4('iva',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Initiator Vector affinity time'), Uint4('ist',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Interval start time'), # for subtype 2,3 records Packed('idt',4,ppfunc=idate,caption='Interval start date'), # Date Uint4('iip',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='CPU time I/O Interrupts'), # ASSBIIPT-TCTEIIP Uint4('rct',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='CPU time Region Control Task'), # TCBTIME-TCTERCT Uint4('hpt',caption='Step CPU time transfers hiper space and A/S'), # ASSBHST-TCTEHPT Uint4('csc',caption='ICSF Crypto service count'), # ASSBFSC-TCTANSC Uint4('dmi',caption='ADMF moved pages writes'), # ASSBTPMT-TCTADMFW Uint4('dmo',caption='ADMF moved pages reads'), # ASSBTPMA-TCTADMFR Uint4('asr',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Step CPU time preemptable and client SRBs'), # ASSBASST, value included in cpt Uint4('enc',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Step independent enclave CPU time'), # RQSVECPT, value included in cpt Uint4('det',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Step dependent enclave CPU time'), # RQSVDET, value included in cpt Uint4('cep',caption='CPU time while ENQ promoted'), # in 1.024 millisec, cumulative even for interval records Bytes('tf2',1,caption='Timer Flag2'), #o todo Bytes('t32',1,caption='Timer Flag32'), Bytes('t33',1,caption='Timer Flag33'), Bytes('t34',1,opt=T_NONE), Uint4('toi',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Time on IFA'), # ASSB_Time_On_IFA, includes enclave time Uint4('etoi',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Enclave time on IFA'), # Rqsv_Enclave_Time_On_IFA Uint4('detoi',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Dependent enclave time on IFA'), # Rqsv_Dep_Enclave_Time_On_IFA Uint4('tic',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='IFA time on CP'), # ASSB_Time_IFA_ON_CP IFA includes enclave time Uint4('etic',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='IFA enclave time on CP'), # Rqsv_Enclave_Time_IFA_ON_CP Uint4('detic',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='IFA dependent enclave time on CP'), # Rqsv_Dep_Enclave_Time_IFA_ON_CP Uint4('cepi',caption='CPU time while ENQ promoted'), # in 1.024 millisec, interval time Uint4('toz',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Time on zIIP'), # ASSB_Time_On_zIIP Time, includes enclave time Uint4('etoz',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Enclave time on zIIP'), # Rqsv_Enclave_Time_On_SUP Uint4('detoz',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Dependent enclave time on zIIP'), # Rqsv_DEPENC_Time_On_SUP Uint4('zoc',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='zIIP time on CP'), # ASSB_Time_zIIP_ON_CP includes enclave time Uint4('ezoc',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Enclave zIIP time on CP'), # Rqsv_Enclave_Time_SUP_ON_CP Uint4('dezoc',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Dependent enclave zIIP time on CP'), # Rqsv_DEPENC_Time_SUP_ON_CP Uint4('etozq',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Enclave zIIP time on CP normalized'), # Rqsv_Enclave_TIME_SUP_QUAL Uint4('detozq',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='Dependent enclave zIIP time on CP normalized'), # Rqsv_DepEnc_TIME_SUP_QUAL Uint4('crp',caption='CPU time while CRM promoted'), # in 1.024 millisec, time during interval # RqsvCPUtimeConsumedWhileCRMpromoted, CRM - chronic resource contention Uint4('icust',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='CPU TCB time for step term'), # included in icu Uint4('icusi',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='CPU TCB time for step init'), # included in icu Uint4('isbst',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='CPU SRB time for step term'), # included in isb Uint4('isbsi',ppfunc=dtime100,caption='CPU SRB time for step init'), # included in isb Uint4('mblk',caption='Missed I/O block counting '), # w/o serialization to counter SMF30BLK, zero for startet tasks Uint4('mdct',caption='Missed device connect counting'), # w/o serialization to counter SMF30DCT, zero for started tasks Uint2('hit',ppfunc=percent,caption='Highest Task CPU percent'), # TCB time * 100 / interval time String('hip',8,caption='Highest Task Program name'), Bytes('flag',1,caption='CPU Accounting flag'), Bytes('r0bb',1,opt=T_NONE), #dmlen should be == SMF30CASLEN byteOrder=NETWORKBO,ebcdic=1,**kw)
SMF30CASLEN = 0xbc # 188 if __name__ == "__main__": import sys # import doctest # doctest.testmod() print('\n%s defines SMF record structures.\n\tIt has no main section - do not execute it directly.\n' % __file__) sys.exit(99) # Copyright 2004-ThisYear Software AG # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License.