Source code for adapya.base.ftptoolz

ftptoolz module

The Ftpzos class in ftptoolz contains z/OS specific methods for accessing the SPOOL and


* submit()
* listjobs()
* listjob()
* deletejob()
* getjoblines()

PDS dataset

* memberinfo()
* memberlines()
* members()
* getbinaryfile()
* getfile()
* getlines()
* storemember()
* touchmembers()

ftptoolz modules requires Python V2.7 or higher

from __future__ import print_function          # PY3

import binascii
import datetime, time
import filecmp   # cmp() to compare file contents
import ftplib    # from   ftplib   import error_perm
import json
import sys
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
if sys.hexversion > 0x03010100:
    from _io import StringIO # _io implemented in C code
    from io import BytesIO
    #from cStringIO import StringIO
    from StringIO import StringIO

from adapya.base import xtea

ckey = '0123456789012345'


MONTHDICT = {'JANUARY':'01', 'FEBRUARY':'02', 'MARCH':'03', 'APRIL':'04',
    'MAY':'05', 'JUNE':'06', 'JULY':'07', 'AUGUST':'08',
    'SEPTEMBER':'09', 'OCTOBER':'10', 'NOVEMBER':'11', 'DECEMBER':'12'}

def crypt(string):
    global iv, ckey
    return xtea.crypt(ckey,string,iv)

def invalid_name(n):
    for i in '-_%':
        if i in n:
            print("\  Ftp cannot handle name %s with characters '-', '%%' or '_': skipping member" % n)
            return True
    return False

Member = namedtuple('Member','name changed size userid')
""" The namedtuple Member describes the member information in a directory listing
    of a partitioned dataset (PDS).

Jobstatus = namedtuple('Jobstatus','jobname jobid owner status cl cc numspool cputime elapsed stepname procname')
""" The namedtuple Jobstatus describes the jobstatus in z/OS as returned from ftp

    >>> Jobstatus('MMP8','JOB23114','ACF2STC','OUTPUT','K','0000',5)
    >>>                                                 or 'A000' if abend

Spoolfile = namedtuple('Spoolfile','id stepname procstep cl ddname numbytes')
""" The namedtuple Spoolfile describes the a JES spool file in z/OS as returned from ftp

    >>> Spoolfile(1,'JES2','STEP1','X','JESJCL',7362)

Dataset = namedtuple('Dataset','volume unit referred extents used recfm lrecl blksize dsorg dsname')
""" The namedtuple Dataset describes the information obtained from the z/OS ftp directory listing

    >>> Dataset('VSM033','3390','20120215',1,10,'U',6447,6447,'PO','ABC.LOAD')

Example directories::

    ARCIVE Not Direct Access Device                         VLOG.G0001V00
                                                       GDG  NEW.VLOG
    VSM002 3390   2012/09/12  1   15  VB   27994 27998  PS  NEW.VLOG.G0115V00
    VSM123 3390   **NONE**    1   45  ?        0     0 NONE NEW.VLOG.G0120V00
                                                       VSAM MOON.DDIR
    VSM007 3390                                        VSAM MOON.DDIR.D


When writing text files to members of a partitioned dataset
z/OS FTP usually setting the member creation date to the
time of the FTP.

If the modification time of the original text file is to
be set in the member, it is possible to configure a TOUCH job
that is submitted to the mainframe that corrects the
dates for the processed members in the PDS.

Note: the template has one variable for DSN that is replaced

The template for such a job looks like the folling - adaptions
for job card and steplib library are required:

//SYSIN    DD *

[docs]class DatasetsPDSspecifiedError(Exception): pass
if PY3: import ssl
[docs] class ReusedSslSocket(ssl.SSLSocket): """Additional fix"""
[docs] def unwrap(self): pass
[docs] class Ftps(ftplib.FTP_TLS): """ Explicit FTPS, with shared TLS session (needs Python > 3.6 ?) to avoid ssl.SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2746) see """
[docs] def ntransfercmd(self, cmd, rest=None): conn, size = ftplib.FTP.ntransfercmd(self, cmd, rest) if self._prot_p: conn = self.context.wrap_socket(conn,, session=self.sock.session) # this is the fix conn.__class__ = ReusedSslSocket # do not close reused ssl socket return conn, size
else: raise Exception('FTPS with TLS needs Python Version > 3.6') # class Ftpzos(ftplib.FTP):
[docs]class Ftpzos(): """wraps ftplib.FTP with specific z/OS functions like submitting jobs and reading JES spool >>> from tools.ftptoolz import Ftpzos >>> ftp = Ftpzos('host','user','password',verbose=2) """ def __init__(self,host,user,passwd,verbose=0,test=0,timeout=None, certfile='',encoding='latin1'): self.certfile = certfile self.verbose=verbose self.test=test # do not perform change actions self.encoding=encoding if certfile: import ssl ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1 # exclude unsecure/old TLS protocols ctx.set_ciphers('DEFAULT') # avoid "sslv3 alert handshake failure (_ssl.c:997)" in py3.10 # uses 'weaker' security settings to make connection possible # actual cipher chosen for the connection uses RSA key exchange ctx.load_verify_locations(certfile) if sys.hexversion > 0x03090000: # encoding keyword parameter with Python > 3.8 self.ftp = Ftps(host,timeout=timeout,context=ctx,encoding=encoding) else: self.ftp = Ftps(host,timeout=timeout,context=ctx) else: if sys.hexversion > 0x03090000: self.ftp = ftplib.FTP('',timeout=timeout,encoding=encoding) else: self.ftp = ftplib.FTP('',timeout=timeout) if verbose>1: self.ftp.set_debuglevel(1) # shows commands and responses if verbose: print(self.ftp.connect(host)) # connect to host, default port print(self.ftp.login(user, passwd)) print(self.ftp.getwelcome()) else: self.ftp.connect(host) # connect to host, default port self.ftp.login(user, passwd) self.ftp.getwelcome() if certfile: self.ftp.prot_p() # ftp.sendcommand('PROTECT SAFE') # data transmission is to be encrypted, used with TLS if timeout: self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE DATAKEEPALIVE=%d' % timeout)
[docs] def deletejob(self, jobid): """Delete Job identified by jobid :param jobid: e.g. 'JOB12345' """ self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=jes') # switch to Spool mode delresp = self.ftp.delete(jobid) self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=seq') # switch to File mode print('deletejob(%s) returned', delresp)
[docs] def getjob(self, jobid, outfile=None): """Copies job output to outfile :param jobid: JOBID.X for complete spool output or JOBID.n for individual spool files e.g. JOB12345.X or JOB12345.1 :param outfile: optional output file to receive contents :returns filename: file name of output file """ self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=jes') # switch to Spool mode jobid=jobid.upper() jobx=jobid.split('.') # in case jobid has spool file number jobid.1 if len(jobx)==1: # no jobid number appended job=jobid+'.X' print('Reading full spool', job) else: job=jobid if not (job.startswith('JOB') or job.startswith('STC')): job = 'JOB'+job # append JOB to try if not outfile: jobfile='%s.txt' % job else: jobfile=outfile print('Trying spool', job) try: self.getfile(job, jobfile) except ftplib.error_perm as e: for msg in e.args: print(' '*3,msg) if str(msg).find('550 Jobid') >= 0: if job.startswith('JOB'): job = job.replace('JOB','STC') elif job.startswith('STC'): job = job.replace('STC','JOB') else: raise if not outfile: jobfile='%s.txt' % job print('Retrying with', job) try: self.getfile(job, jobfile) except ftplib.error_perm as e: for msg in e.args: print(' '*3, msg) raise self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=seq') # switch to File mode return jobfile # file name of retrieved spool output
[docs] def getjoblines(self, filename, outfile=None): """Generator function if no outfile specified yields a line :param filename: JOBID.X for complete spool output or JOBID.n for individual spool files e.g. JOB12345.X or JOB12345.1 :param outfile: optional output file to receive contents """ self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=jes') # switch to Spool mode # fetch a text file if outfile is None: lines=[] self.ftp.retrlines("RETR " + filename, lines.append) for line in lines: yield line else: # avoid encoding error in cp1252 as some codepoints do not exist e.g. \x8d f = open(outfile, 'w', encoding='latin1') #, errors='xmlcharrefreplace') # use a lambda to add newlines to the lines read from the server self.ftp.retrlines("RETR " + filename, lambda s, w=f.write: w(s+"\n")) f.close() self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=seq') # switch to File mode
[docs] def datasets(self, dsnprefix): """generator function yields catalog information for each dataset found under prefix returning a Dataset() tuple :param dsnprefix: read file or pds member """ listing=[] try: self.ftp.cwd(dsnprefix) except ftplib.error_perm as e: print("Can't chdir to", repr(dsnprefix), ":", repr(e.args)) raise except EOFError: raise StopIteration try: self.ftp.retrlines('LIST', listing.append) except ftplib.error_perm as e: print("Can't list catalog ", repr(dsnprefix), ":", repr(e.args)) raise StopIteration else: if len(listing)==0: raise Exception('Empty catalog listing for %s' % dsnprefix) if listing[0].startswith(' Name VV.MM'): raise DatasetsPDSspecifiedError('No catalog listing for %s' % dsnprefix) if not listing[0].startswith('Volume Unit'): # raise Exception('No catalog listing for %s' % dsnprefix) raise StopIteration del(listing[0]) for line in listing: volume=unit=referred=recfm=dsorg=dsname='' # default values sextents=sused=slrecl=sblksize='0' if self.verbose > 2: print('ftp LIST:', line) words = line.split() if len(words) == 2: dsorg, dsname = words elif len(words) == 4: # VSAM with volser volume, unit, dsorg, dsname = words elif len(words) == 6 and words[0]=='ARCIVE': # Dataset archived volume = 'ARCIVE' dsname = words[-1] elif len(words) == 10: volume,unit,referred,sextents,sused,recfm,slrecl,sblksize,dsorg,dsname=words d=Dataset(volume,unit,referred,int(sextents),int(sused),recfm, int(slrecl),int(sblksize),dsorg,dsname) yield d
[docs] def pdsnames(self, dsnprefix, recfm='FB'): """Iterate over datasets starting with prefix and return only PDS or PDSE datasets :param dsnprefix: Dataset prefix - single quoted :param recfm: filter special datasets (e.g. '?B' selects 'FB' or VB' """ for d in self.datasets(dsnprefix): if d.dsorg in ('PO','PO-E'): if self.verbose > 2: print('pdsnames:', d) if recfm and not fnmatchcase(d.recfm,recfm): # sift out undesired recfm continue yield d.dsname
[docs] def getbinaryfile(self, filename, outfile, rdw=0): """Copy binary file from ftp to file :param filename: read file or pds member :param outfile: output file to receive contents :param rdw: if true transfers file with variable records being prefixed with the RDW word (Int2 record length inclusive, 2 bytes dummy) """ # fetch a text file f = open(outfile, 'wb') if self.verbose>2: print('File %s opened for source file %s'%(outfile,filename)) # use a lambda to add newlines to the lines read from the server if rdw: self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE rdw') self.ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, f.write) self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE nordw') else: self.ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, f.write) f.close()
[docs] def getlines(self, filename): """generator function yields a line read from sequential file or PDS member specified by filename :param filename: read file or pds member """ lines=[] self.ftp.retrlines("RETR " + filename, lines.append) for line in lines: yield line
[docs] def getfile(self, filename, outfile, encoding=None, xlate='', cmp=False): """copy text file from ftp to file :param filename: read file or pds member :param outfile: optional output file to receive contents :param encoding: encoding for writing outfile :param xlate: convert data from EBCDIC to ASCII (option) specify name for dataset of the form hlq.<xlate>.TCPXLBIN :param cmp: if set to true: compare file gotten with the outfile :returns: True if contents of file 'filename' same as file 'outfile' and cmp == True else False """ unchanged = False if xlate: self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE sbdatacon=%s' % xlate) # first try to read file into tempname # in order not to destroy an older version of the outfile in case # of some problem with the remote file dir, fname = os.path.split(outfile) tempname = os.path.join(dir, '@' + fname) enco = encoding or self.encoding if enco and PY3: f = open(tempname, 'w', encoding=enco) else: f = open(tempname, 'w') if self.verbose>2: print('Writing to %s for member %s with encoding %s'%(outfile,filename,encoding)) # use a lambda to add newlines to the lines read from the server if 0: # print lines that ftp retrieves (very verbose) def w(s): global lnr lnr += 1 print(lnr, '%r' % s) f.write(s+'\n') self.ftp.retrlines("RETR " + filename, w) f.close() if cmp and os.access(outfile, os.R_OK): unchanged = filecmp.cmp(tempname,outfile,shallow=False) # compare contents else: try: self.ftp.retrlines("RETR " + filename, lambda s, w=f.write: w(s+"\n")) f.close() if cmp and os.access(outfile, os.R_OK): unchanged = filecmp.cmp(tempname,outfile,shallow=False) # compare contents #except ssl.SSLEOFError as e: # to be handled at caller # print('Could not ftp.get %r, reason %r' %(filename, e)) # f.close() # close tempname # os.remove(tempname) # raise except Exception as e: print('Could not ftp.get %r, reason %r' %(filename, e)) f.close() # close tempname #unchanged=True # need to remove temp file and keep old file #pass # some error occurred: presume ftp get has failed but try to continue os.remove(tempname) raise if unchanged: # file contents has not changed os.remove(tempname) # delete downloaded file else: try: if os.path.exists(outfile): os.remove(outfile) except os.error as e: print('Could not delete %r, reason %r\nContinuing..' %(outfile, e)) pass os.rename(tempname, outfile) return unchanged
[docs] def memberlines(self, dsn): """Generator function returns the member lines of a PDS (= directory list) :param dsn: dataset name of a PDS or PDSE """ lines=[] self.ftp.cwd(dsn) if self.verbose>2: pwd = self.ftp.pwd() print('Dataset =', repr(pwd)) self.ftp.retrlines('LIST', lines.append) for line in lines: yield line
[docs] def members(self, dsn): """Generator function returns Member namedtuple (name, changed, size, userid) :param dir: dataset name of a PDS or PDSE """ lines = self.memberlines(dsn) line1 = next(lines) # read header if self.verbose>2: print('heading', line1) if not line1.startswith(' Name VV.MM'): print('%s is not a PDS/PDSE dataset' % dsn) print(line1) else: mode = '-' # directory for line in lines: words = line.split(None, 8) if len(words) > 0: name=words[0] if len(words) > 8: changed=words[3]+' '+words[4] userid=words[8].strip() size=int(words[5]) else: changed='' userid='' size=9999 # unkown m = Member(name, changed, size, userid) if self.verbose>2: # print(line) # print(name, mdate, mtime, userid, size) print(' ', m) yield m
[docs] def memberinfo(self, dsn): """returns plain pds member directory listing for .mirrorinfo""" info={} lines=[] self.ftp.cwd(dsn) if self.verbose>2: pwd = self.ftp.pwd() print('Dataset =', repr(pwd)) try: self.ftp.retrlines('LIST', lines.append) line = lines.pop(0) if self.verbose>2: print('heading', line) if not line.startswith(' Name VV.MM'): print('%s is not a PDS/PDSE dataset' % dsn) print(line) except ftplib.error_perm as e: if e.args[0].endswith('No members found.'): print('=== %r ===' % e.args) pass else: raise for line in lines: if self.verbose > 2: print('-->', repr(line)) words = line.split(None, 8) if len(words) > 0: filename=words[0] infostuff=line[:-1] info[filename]=infostuff else: print("Skipping file entry '%s'" % line) continue return info
[docs] def storemember(self,pds,fname): """ upload file to pds member :param pds: partitioned dataset name :param fname: file in current directory to be uploaded to pds """ try: self.ftp.cwd(pds) if self.verbose: pwd = self.ftp.pwd() print('Dataset =', repr(pwd)) root,basext = os.path.split(fname) # get basename and extension (root may be '') fn,fext = os.path.splitext(basext) f=open(fname,'rb') # 'b' needed in PY3 self.ftp.storlines('STOR '+fn, f) except ftplib.all_errors as e: print('unable to upload %s to %s(%s)' % (fname,pds,fn)) for msg in e.args: print(' '*3, msg) raise
[docs] def submit(self,f): """submit job :param f: opened file object with JCL to submit Must be bytes type data (Latin1) in Python 3 :return jobid: job number string e.g. JOB12345 or '' of submit failed """ self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=jes') # switch to Spool mode fresp = self.ftp.storlines('STOR myjob.seq', f) self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=seq') # switch to File mode # '250-It is known to JES as JOB13768\n250 Transfer completed successfully.' # '250-It is known to JES as J0013768\n250 Transfer completed successfully.' if fresp.startswith('250-'): jobid = fresp.split()[6] if jobid.startswith('J') and len(jobid)==8: return jobid return ''
[docs] def submitWait(self,jcl,wait=30): """ :param jcl: dataset or pds(member) containting JCL to submit :param wait: wait time in seconds until function is to return :return Job: Job object containing information on Job submitted or None >>> fz=ftptoolz.Ftpzos('zibm','mm','pw',verbose=2) >>> j=fz.submitWait("''") >>> 'AE37' """ j=None f=StringIO() # py2/3 for line in self.getlines(jcl): f.write(line+'\n') self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=jes') # switch to Spool mode try: if PY3: # convert to latin1 (iso-8859-1) byte string f = BytesIO('latin1')) fresp = self.ftp.storlines('STOR myjob.seq', f) if fresp.startswith('250-'): jobid = fresp.split()[6] if jobid.startswith('J') and len(jobid)==8: j=Job(jobid,jcl) finally: self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=seq') # switch to File mode if not j: return j for i in range(wait): js,sp = self.listjob(j.jobid) j.status=js.status j.jobstatus=js if js.status=='OUTPUT': j.spoolfiles=sp break elif js.status=='ACTIVE': j.cputime=js.cputime j.elapsed=js.elapsed time.sleep(1.) return j
def listjobs(self,jobname='',jobowner='*',jobstat='ALL'): # stat OUTPUT ACTIVE self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=jes') # switch to Spool mode if jobname: jnparm = 'JESJOBNAME=%s' % jobname else: jnparm = 'JESJOBNAME=*' site='SITE %s JESOWNER=%s JESSTATUS=%s'%( jnparm, '*', jobstat) self.ftp.sendcmd(site) print(self.ftp.retrlines('LIST')) # list directory contents self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=seq') # switch to File mode # JOBNAME JOBID OWNER STATUS CLASS # MM10007 STC22616 ACF2STC OUTPUT STC ABEND=000 1 spool files # MMP8 JOB23114 ACF2STC OUTPUT K RC=0000 5 spool files # MMCMP009 JOB13738 MM OUTPUT K RC=0000 7 spool files # 250 List completed successfully. #return jobstatlist
[docs] def listjob(self,jobid,jobowner='*',jobstat='ALL'): # stat ALL OUTPUT ACTIVE """List specific job given by jobid :param jobid: job id e.g. 'JOB12345' :param jobowner: job owner :param jobstat: job status: one of ALL, OUTPUT or ACTIVE :returns: jobstatus namedtuple and spoolfiles namedtuples """ self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=jes') # switch to Spool mode site='SITE JESJOBNAME=* JESOWNER=* JESSTATUS=%s' % jobstat print(site) self.ftp.sendcmd(site) jl=[] self.ftp.retrlines('LIST '+jobid, jl.append) # list spool files of 1 job self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=seq') # switch to File mode #JOBNAME JOBID OWNER STATUS CLASS #MMP8 JOB23114 ACF2STC OUTPUT K RC=0000 #-------- # ID STEPNAME PROCSTEP C DDNAME BYTE-COUNT # 001 JES2 X JESMSGLG 1169 # 002 JES2 X JESJCL 3380 # 003 JES2 X JESYSMSG 3911 # 004 RES A X DDDRUCK 756 # 005 RES A X DDPRINT 3053 #5 spool files #JOBNAME JOBID OWNER STATUS CLASS #MM8 STC40321 ACF2STC ACTIVE STC #-------- # STEPNAME ++++++++ PROCNAME MM8 # CPUTIME 0.000 ELAPSED TIME 158321.355 if self.verbose: for j in jl: print('retrlines:%s' % j) jobstatus=None if len(jl)<2 or not jl[0].startswith('JOBNAME'): return None,[] # get jobstatus js = jl[1].split() # job line ns = 0 # number of spool files cc = '' # condition code cpu=elapsed=0.0 step='' proc='' if len(js) > 5: # condition code set (and may be spools files) tc = js[5].split('=') if tc[0] == 'ABEND': # condition code 'AFFA' or '0000' cc='A'+tc[1] # A000 else: cc=tc[1] # A000 # get number of spool files spl = jl[-1] if spl.rstrip().endswith('spool files'): spl.split() ns=int(spl[0]) # Jobstatus('MMP8','JOB23114','ACF2STC','OUTPUT','K','0000',5,0,0,'','') jobstatus = Jobstatus(js[0],js[1],js[2],js[3],js[4],cc,ns,cpu,elapsed,step,proc) if not len(jl)>4: return jobstatus,[] if not jl[-1].rstrip().endswith('spool files'): if jobstatus.status=='ACTIVE': stepproc = jl[3].split() cpuelap = jl[4].split() if len(stepproc) == 4: _, step, _, proc = stepproc if len(cpuelap) == 5: _, cpu, _,_, elapsed = cpuelap jobstatus._replace(cputime=float(cpu),elapsed=float(elapsed),stepname=step,procname=proc) return jobstatus,[] # get spool files spoolfiles=[] for i in range(ns): sline = jl[-1-ns+i] sli = sline.split() if len(sli) == 6: # procstep could be empty ps = sli[2] else: ps = '' nb=int(sli[-1]) # number of bytes # Spoolfile(1,'JES2','STEP1','X','JESJCL',7362) sf = Spoolfile(i+1,sli[1],ps,sli[-3],sli[-2],nb) spoolfiles.append(sf) return jobstatus,spoolfiles
[docs] def touchmembers(self, pds, membertimes, touchtemplate): """Submit TOUCH job to set modification times in members of a partitioned dataset. :param pds: partitioned dataset name :param membertimes: list of (membername, modtime, uid, size) tuples modtime is of datetime type or of string 'yyyymmdd.HHMMSS' :param touchtemplate: Touch template job skeleton (see touchtemplate_sample for further details """ if len(membertimes)==0: return f=StringIO() # py2/3 f.write(touchtemplate % pds.upper().strip()) for m, t, u, s in membertimes: # if touchuid/touchdate given as parameter asmdate will only count lines if self.verbose: print(m, t, u) if t: if isinstance(t,datetime.datetime): ttime = t.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S') else: ttime = t # 'yyyymmdd.HHMMSS' f.write('SET DATE=%s\n' % ttime) if u: f.write('SET USER=%s\n' % u.upper()) if s: f.write('SET LINES=%d\n' % s) f.write(m.upper()+'\n') f.write('//\n') # end of job # rewind if self.test: print('\nThe following generated TOUCH job is not submitted in test mode:)') for line in f: print(line[:-1]) else: if PY3: # convert to latin1 (iso-8859-1) byte string f = BytesIO('latin1')) self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=jes') # switch to Spool mode self.ftp.storlines('STOR touch.seq', f) self.ftp.sendcmd('SITE file=seq') # switch to File mode
[docs]class Job(object): """ stores the JES job information """ def __init__(self,jobid,jcl): self.jobid=jobid self.status='''' # condition code if in status=OUTPUT self.jcl=jcl self.jobstatus=None self.spoolfiles=None
[docs]def getasmdate(line): """ find execution date in a line of an assembly or binder listing :param line: :returns date: date is a string of format YYYYMMDD.hhmm00 """ dt = '' # no date yet pos = line.find('HLASM') if pos > -1: words = line[pos:].split() if len(words)<4: print('cannot find HLASM date:',member, line) else: dats, tims = words[2:4] dats = dats.replace('/','') tims = tims.replace('.','') dt='%s.%s00' % (dats,tims) else: pos = line.find('BINDER') if pos > -1: words = line[pos:].split() if len(words)<6: print('cannot find BINDER date:',member, line) else: tims,dayn,month,day, year = words[1:] #BINDER 23:26:41 MONDAY OCTOBER 30, 2006 mon = MONTHDICT[month] day = day.replace(',','') # chop comma day = '%02d'%(int(day)) # 2 digit string dats = year+mon+day tims = tims.replace(':','') dt='%s.%s' % (dats,tims) return dt
[docs]def writedict(dict, filename): """Write a dictionary to a file in a way that can be read back using rval() but is still somewhat readable (i.e. not a single long line). Also creates a backup file. """ dir, fname = os.path.split(filename) tempname = os.path.join(dir, '@' + fname) backup = os.path.join(dir, fname + '~') try: os.unlink(backup) # delete backup except os.error as e: print('Could not delete %r, reason %r\nContinuing' %(backup ,e)) pass fp = open(tempname, 'w') fp.write('{\n') for key, value in dict.items(): fp.write('%r: %r,\n' % (key, value)) fp.write('}\n') fp.close() try: os.rename(filename, backup) except os.error as e: print('writedict: Could not rename %r to backup %r, reason %r\nContinuing' %(filename, backup ,e)) pass os.rename(tempname, filename)
def readjson(filename): # return a dictionary from a json file with open(filename, 'r') as fp: # make sure old single quotes and comma after last item are removed jstr ="'",'"').replace('",\n}','"\n}') return json.loads(jstr)
[docs]def writejson(dict, filename): """Write a dict as json file""" dir, fname = os.path.split(filename) tempname = os.path.join(dir, '@' + fname) backup = os.path.join(dir, fname + '~') try: if os.path.exists(backup): os.unlink(backup) except os.error as e: print('Could not delete %r, reason %r\nContinuing' %(backup ,e)) pass with open(tempname, 'w') as fp: # write dict as json file json.dump(dict,fp,indent=0,separators=(',', ':\t')) try: if os.path.exists(filename): os.rename(filename, backup) except os.error as e: print('writejson: Could not rename %r to backup %r, reason %r\nContinuing' %(filename, backup ,e)) pass os.rename(tempname, filename)