Source code for adapya.base.ecscodec

ecscodec - mapping ECS encodings to Python codecs

ECS is the acronym for Entire Conversion Services, a text conversion
library used with Adabas.

.. note:: currently not all ECS encodings and Python codecs are listed.
          Non-existent codepage numbers could be mapped to the
          Python encodings per default 'cp%d' % i

import string

  #Codec, ECS encoding
  'cp037':      37,
  'cp273':     273,
  'cp437':     437,
  'cp500':     500,
  'iso-8859-1': 819,
  'latin_1':   819,
  'utf8':      4091,
  'utf16':     4095    # utf16 includes byte order mark (BOM)

  #ECS encoding, codec
  37:   'cp37',      #EBCDIC: USA, Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand
  273:  'cp273',     #EBCDIC: Austria, Germany, de_deu
  437:  'cp437',     #PC: English
  500:  'cp500',     #EBCDIC: Belgium, Canada, Switzerland
  819:  'iso-8859-1',# Latin-1
  4091: 'utf8',      # unicode UTF-8
  4095: 'utf16'      # unicode

[docs]def getcodec(ecskey): "return the Python codec name given the ECS encoding key" if ecskey == 0: return '' if ecskey in ecs2py: return ecs2py[ecskey] else: return 'cp%d' % ecskey
[docs]def getecs(codec): "return the ECS encoding key given the Python codec name" if codec == '': return 0 if codec in py2ecs: return py2ecs[codec] else: if codec.startswith('cp'): return int(codec[2:]) else: return py2ecs[codec]
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