Source code for adapya.base.datamap

# -*- coding: latin1 -*-
datamap - Map Memory Structures to Class Attributes

The module defines the Datamap class which allows to
map record or memory structures to class attributes

from __future__ import print_function          # PY3
import struct
import string
import sys
import types
import ctypes
from binascii import hexlify,unhexlify
from datetime import datetime,date
from datetime import time as dtime
from .defs import Abuf
from .conv import ebc2asc,asc2ebc,str2asc,str2ebc,swap
from .dtconv import str2dt,date2natdate, datetime2unixtime, utc2xts
from .dtconv import timestamp2nattime,xts2utc,unix2utc
from .dtconv import natdate2date, nattime2timestamp
from .dump import dump
from .stck import sstck,sstckd

__date__='$Date: 2023-12-01 00:54:33 +0100 (Fri, 01 Dec 2023) $'
__version__='$Rev: 1072 $'

if sys.hexversion >= 0x3010100: # PY3
    PY3 = True
    rawhex = lambda x: ('%s' % hexlify(x).upper())[2:-1]

    PY3 = False
    rawhex = lambda x: '%s' % hexlify(x).upper()

debug = 0  # trace packing/unpacking into datamaps
INDENT = '' # indent of debug information

# field formats
# const           C                Python
T_BYTE   = 2    # string type binary
T_UNPK   = 3    # ibm370 zoned     integer/long
T_PACK   = 4    # ibm370 packed    integer/long
T_DMAP   = 5    # substructure defined by Datamap
T_UTF16  = 'u'  # uint2 unicode swapping platform dependent
T_UTF8   = 't'  # utf-8 unicode
# --- struct format characters ---
T_CHAR   = 'c'  # char             string len=1
T_INT1   = 'b'  # signed char      integer
T_UINT1  = 'B'  # unsigned char    integer
T_INT2   = 'h'
T_UINT2  = 'H'
T_INT4   = 'l'
T_UINT4  = 'L'
T_PTR    = 'P'  # void *
T_INT8   = 'q'
T_UINT8  = 'Q'
T_FLOAT  = 'f'  # 4 byte IEEE float
T_DOUBLE = 'd'  # 8 byte IEEE double

# dict mapping datamap types to Adabas format
# Note: some types are not (yet) supported T_MAP
           T_PACK:'P', # T_DMAP
           T_CHAR:'A', T_INT1:'B', T_UINT1:'B',
           T_INT2:'F', T_UINT2:'B', T_INT4:'F',
           T_UINT4:'B', # T_PTR
           T_INT8:'F', T_UINT8:'B', T_FLOAT:'G', T_DOUBLE:'G',
           T_UTF16:'W', T_UTF8:'A'}

# dict mapping datamap types to Adabas format
# Predict knows also 'I', 'LA', 'LO', 'D', 'T'
# Note: some types are not (yet) supported T_MAP
PRD2DM = {  'A': T_STRING,
            'B': T_BYTE,
            'F': T_FLOAT,
            'I': T_INT1,
            'N': T_UNPK,
            'P': T_PACK,
            'W': T_UTF16, #??
            # 'LA': T_STRING, # long alpha   / also binary?
            # 'LO': T_STRING, # long LOB    / also binary?

[docs]def prd2dm(prdformat,length=0): """get Datamap field code from Predict format """ f = PRD2DM.get(prdformat,'') if f == T_INT1 and length > 1: if length == 2: return T_INT2 elif length == 4: return T_INT4 elif length == 8: return T_INT8 elif f == T_FLOAT and length == 8: return T_DOUBLE return f
LEFT_ALIGNED = (T_STRING, T_UTF16, T_UTF8) # additional field options (opt) T_IN = 1 # write access T_OUT = 2 # read access T_INOUT= 3 # read/write T_STCK = 4 # convert store clock - use with Uint4 or Uint8 T_HEX = 8 # display hex (limited to 8 bytes) T_NONE = 16 # dummy/filler field, do not display in dprint() T_EBCDIC = 32 # data is EBCDIC T_VAR0 = 64 # Variable T_VAR1 = 128 # Variable 1 byte incl. T_VAR2 = 256 # Variable 2 bytes incl. T_VAR4 = 512 # Variable 4 bytes incl. T_DT = 1024 # convert to/from datetime() object T_NWBO = 2048 # Net-work byte order alias big-endian T_GMT = 4096 # use in conjunction with T_STCK if value is in GMT # and not local time T_MUPE = 2**13 # MUPE indicator in getpossiz(), not used in field defn NATIVEBO='=' # struct format character: native, standard size, no alignment NETWORKBO='!' # struct format character: big-endian, standard size, no alignment NATIVEBO_ALIGNED='@' # struct format character: big-endian, standard size, natvie alignment if sys.byteorder =='little': UTF16_NATIVE = 'utf_16_le' else: UTF16_NATIVE = 'utf_16_be'
[docs]def field( name, fmt, size, **options): """Defines a field element. A field element is used in the list of fields in a datamap class. It defines mainly name, format and size. Valid keywords for options i.e. keyword = value list: :param opt: define extra formatting e.g. (T_STCK, T_HEX) - see also below on variable length strings To define fields in other data architecture: - **T_EBCDIC** field data is in EBCDIC (String, Packed, Unpacked, Char) - **T_NWBO** field data is big-endian or high-order-byte-first rather than native byte-order To define this for all fields in a datamap use the setting on the datamap level: Datamap(..., ebcdic=1, byteorder=NETWORKBO) To define variable length strings: opt in (T_VAR0, T_VAR1, T_VAR2, T_VAR4) for AAL length reference, 1, 2, 4 byte length prefix To cumulate options join them with bitwise-or '|' :param fn: define Adabas field name. This is used in genfb() and getfndef() functions to generate the format buffer related to the datamap. :param pos: define **new offset** from start of datamap :param repos: reposition **relative** from current position :param caption: field text for dprint() or lprint() :param ppfunc: formatting function for dprint() :param colsize: column size for lprint() :param dt: 'DATETIME' (= Adabas datetime editmask) is used to map to/from Python datetime object (currently only DATETIME) :param sizefunc: reference to size function if T_VAR0 (AAL) """ return (name, fmt, size, options)
[docs]def Periodic(dmap, occurs=0): """ Define periodic group with a datamap dmap on the fields of the group keywords for options: :param occurs: number of repetitions of group, parameter may be a function. If function returns -1 or -2: byte position(s) before the field contain the actual count. For example:: occurs=lambda:-2 """ dmap.occurs=occurs if callable(occurs): plen = 0 # length of periodic group dynamic else: plen = dmap.dmlen*occurs # length of periodic group fixed if debug: print( 'Periodic definition', dmap.dmname, 'T_DMAP', plen, dict(submap=dmap,occurs=occurs)) return (dmap.dmname, T_DMAP, plen, dict(submap=dmap,occurs=occurs))
# Multiple() instance will be created during init of enclosing Datamap # i.e. Multiple(self,dmap.dmname,occurs=occurs,submap=dmap) def String( name, size, **options): return field(name, T_STRING, size, **options)
[docs]def Unicode( name, size, **options): """size in unicode characters * 2 = size in bytes """ return field(name, T_UTF16, size, **options)
def Utf8( name, size, **options): return field(name, T_UTF8, size, **options) def Packed( name, size, **options): return field( name, T_PACK, size, **options) def Unpacked( name, size, **options): return field( name, T_UNPK, size, **options)
[docs]def Bytes( name, size, **options): "Byte string (binary)" return field(name, T_BYTE, size, **options)
[docs]def Filler( name, size): "Byte filler" return field(name, T_BYTE, size, opt=T_NONE)
def Char( name, **options): return field( name, T_CHAR, 1, **options) def Int1( name, **options): return field( name, T_INT1, 1, **options) def Uint1( name, **options): return field( name, T_UINT1, 1, **options) def Int2( name, **options): return field( name, T_INT2, 2, **options) def Uint2( name, **options): return field( name, T_UINT2, 2, **options) def Int4( name, **options): return field( name, T_INT4, 4, **options) def Uint4( name, **options): return field( name, T_UINT4, 4, **options) def Int8( name, **options): return field( name, T_INT8, 8, **options) def Uint8( name, **options): return field( name, T_UINT8, 8, **options) def Float( name, **options): return field( name, T_FLOAT, 4, **options) def Double( name, **options): return field( name, T_DOUBLE, 8, **options) def Pointer( name, **options): return field( name, T_PTR, struct.calcsize('P'), **options)
[docs]class DatamapError(Exception): """Error Class for Datamap Exceptions :attr string: Adabas response string :attr dmap: Datamap instance where the error occurred Usage example: .. code-block:: python try: raise DatamapError('error text', dmap) except DatamapError as e: print( 'DatamapError', e.value, e.__class__) dump(e.dmap) """ def __init__(self, value, dmap): self.value = value self.dmap = dmap def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
sbuf=Abuf(256) # get work buffer U0=b'0'*29 # nulls P0=b'\x00'*14+b'\x0c' # nulls e.g. for length = 3 P0[-3:] # global for all datamap instances # overrides any instance settings if 1 (=True) dataIsEbcdic=0 byteOrder=NATIVEBO
[docs]def setEbcdic(yesno): """set EBCDIC data in map :param yesno: True or False """ global dataIsEbcdic dataIsEbcdic = yesno if debug: print( 'setEbcdic()' , yesno)
def setNativeByteOrder(): global byteOrder byteOrder = NATIVEBO if debug: print( 'setNativeByteOrder()' , byteOrder) def setNetworkByteOrder(): global byteOrder byteOrder = NETWORKBO if debug: print( 'setNetworkByteOrder()', byteOrder)
[docs]def bit_str(b, istrList): """ Produce readable print of integer or single byte input :param b: byte or integer :param istrList: list of tuples containing the bits and the corresponding string. Optionally a third element of a tuple may be a string that is taken as default when the bits are all not set. Examples:: >>> from adapya.base.datamap import bit_str >>> print( bit_str(b'\\x03',[(1,'one'),(2,'two')])) one,two >>> print( bit_str(b'\\x03',[(3,'three'),(1,'one'),(2,'two')])) three >>> print( bit_str(b'\\x06',[(3,'three'),(1,'one'),(2,'two')])) two,X'04' >>> bit_str(b'\\x86',[(2,'two'),(0x80,'negative','positive')]) "two,negative,X'04'" >>> bit_str(b'\\x00',[(2,'two'),(0x80,'negative','positive')]) 'positive' """ r = [] if isinstance(b, int): x=b else: # string or b'' type x, = struct.unpack('=B', b) if istrList == None: istrList=() for item in istrList: if len(item) == 3: # check if string given if i bits not set i, s, defs = item else: defs = '' i, s = item if (x&i)==i: # all i bits set in x x^=i # reset used bits r.append(s) elif (x&i) == 0 and defs: # no bit is set and a default string is given r.append(defs) if x: r.append("X'%02X'" % x) # add hex values w/o symbols return ','.join(r) # return '' or symbols separated by '+'
[docs]def flag_str(flag,flist): """ This is similar to bit_str but only lists the elements for which a definition exists. :param flag: integer :param flist: list of (integer, string) tuples Example:: >>> flag_str(3, ((1,'one'),(2,'two'),(4,'four'))) 'one,two' """ ss=[] for (x,s) in flist: if flag & x: ss.append(s) return ','.join(ss)
[docs]def flag_strc(flag,flist): """Similar to flag_str but compressed i.e. without commas each flag bit is represented by a string or a '.' :param flag: integer :param flist: list of (integer, string) tuples Example:: >>> flag_strc(5, ((1,'O'),(2,'T'),(4,'F'))) 'O.F' """ ss=[] for (x,s) in flist: if flag & x: ss.append(s) else: ss.append('.') return ''.join(ss)
[docs]def str_str(s, strdict): """ Return a readable string from the value if it exists otherwise the hex value for integers or blank :param s: value (could be string or int: key for dict) :param strdict: dict containing the interpretation Examples:: >>> str_str('quark', {'quark':'one',2:'two',4:'four'}) 'one' >>> str_str(3, {1:'one',2:'two',4:'four'}) "X'03'" """ if s in strdict: return strdict[s] else: if type(s) == type(1): # integer return "X'%02X'" % s else: return ''
[docs]def list_str(i, istrList): """Produce readable print from list :param i: position in list :param istrList: List of strings """ if 0<= i < len(istrList): return istrList[i] else: return ''
[docs]def list_stri(i, istrList): """Produce readable print from list :param i: position in list :param istrList: List of strings """ if 0<= i < len(istrList): return istrList[i] else: return '%d' % i
def dpack(dmap, key, data, indx=0): global dataIsEbcdic global byteOrder ftype, start, size, inout, fdic = dmap.keydict[key] start += dmap.offset + indx*size stop = start+size ebcdic = inout&T_EBCDIC or dmap.__dict__['ebcdic'] or dataIsEbcdic bo = NETWORKBO if (inout&T_NWBO) else \ dmap.__dict__['byteOrder'] or byteOrder # if instance byteOrder is None take global if debug: print( INDENT, '%s.dpack(%s,indx=%r) size=%d start=%d stop=%d, inout=%d, fdic=%r, bo=%s' % ( dmap.dmname, key, indx, size, start, stop, inout, fdic, bo)) if not (inout & T_IN): raise DatamapError("Field %s must not be modified" % key, dmap) if ftype == T_STRING: fieldlen = stop-start # print( 'datamap setattr: key=%s, data=%s' % (key,repr(data)), type(data)) espace = dmap.__dict__['espace'] enc = dmap.__dict__['encoding'] if sys.hexversion >= 0x3010100: # PY3 if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode(enc) elif isinstance(data, (bytes,bytearray)): if ebcdic: data = str2ebc(data) else: data = repr(data) else: # PY2 if isinstance(data, str): if ebcdic: data = str2ebc(data) elif isinstance(data, unicode): data = data.encode(enc) else: data = repr(data) mlen = min(len(data),fieldlen) dmap.buffer[start:start+mlen] = data[0:mlen] if fieldlen > mlen: # fill rest of field with space character try: dmap.buffer[start+mlen:stop] = (fieldlen-mlen)* espace except: print('espace=%r, start=%d, stop=%d, mlen=%d, fieldlen=%d' % ( espace,start,stop,mlen,fieldlen)) print(dir(dmap.buffer)) # raise elif ftype == T_UTF16: fieldlen = stop - start if not isinstance(data,type(u'')): # need to first convert to unicode data=data.decode(dmap.encoding) datalen=len(data)*2 # length in bytes minlen=min(datalen,fieldlen) padlen=(fieldlen-minlen)//2 if bo==NETWORKBO: dmap.buffer[start:stop]=(data[0:minlen//2]+u' '*padlen ).encode('utf_16_be') else: #print( 'start=%d, stop=%d, minlen=%d, padlen=%d' % ( # start, stop, minlen, padlen) #dump( (data[0:minlen]+u' '*padlen).encode(UTF16_NATIVE)) dmap.buffer[start:stop]=(data[0:minlen//2]+u' '*padlen ).encode(UTF16_NATIVE) elif ftype == T_UTF8: fieldlen = stop - start # print( 'datamap setattr: key=%s, data=%s' % (key,repr(data)), type(data)) sutf8 = str(data).encode('utf8') if sys.hexversion >= 0x3010100 \ else unicode(data).encode('utf8') datalen=len(sutf8) minlen=min(datalen,fieldlen) padlen=(fieldlen-minlen) dmap.buffer[start:stop]=sutf8[0:minlen]+b' '*padlen elif ftype == T_PACK: # packed decimal fieldlen = stop - start if ebcdic: sign = b'f' else: sign = b'c' if inout & T_DT: # converting from datetime object if data == None: bdata = U0[:fieldlen] # None value is stored as zero elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'DATETIME' and isinstance(data, datetime): bdata = b'%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d' % (data.year, data.month,, data.hour, data.minute, data.second ) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'TIMESTAMP' and isinstance(data, datetime): bdata = b'%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%06d' % (data.year, data.month,, data.hour, data.minute, data.second, data.microsecond ) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'DATE' and isinstance(data, (date, datetime)): bdata = b'%04d%02d%02d' % (data.year, data.month, elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'TIME' and isinstance(data, time): bdata = b'%02d%02d%02d' % (data.hour, data.minute, data.second) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'NATDATE' and isinstance(data, (date, datetime)): if sys.hexversion >= 0x3010100: # PY3 bdata = bytes(str(date2natdate(data.year, data.month,,'ascii') else: bdata = bytes(date2natdate(data.year, data.month, elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'NATTIME' and isinstance(data, datetime): if sys.hexversion >= 0x3010100: # PY3 bdata = bytes(str(timestamp2nattime(data.year, data.month,, data.hour, data.minute, data.second, data.microsecond)),'ascii') else: bdata = bytes(timestamp2nattime(data.year, data.month,, data.hour, data.minute, data.second, data.microsecond)) else: if data < 0: idata = - int(data) sign = b'd' else: idata = int(data) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3010100: # PY3 bdata = bytes(str(idata),'ascii') # bytes() does not append L on long integer else: bdata = bytes(idata) datalen = len(bdata)//2 + 1 if debug: print(datalen,len(bdata),bdata[:16], fieldlen) if not len(bdata) % 2: # 22 -> 022F nibble =b'0' else: # 1 -> 1F nibble = b'' if datalen > fieldlen: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr Packed: data size %d exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (datalen,fieldlen,key,bdata[:16]+b'...'), dmap) elif datalen < fieldlen: zeros = (fieldlen - datalen) * b'00' else: zeros = b'' if debug: print( 'start=%d, stop=%d, len=%d, zeros=%r, nibble=%r, bdata=%r, sign=%r, %r' %( start, stop, stop-start, zeros, nibble, bdata, sign, unhexlify(zeros+nibble+bdata+sign)) ) dump(dmap.buffer[start:stop]) dmap.buffer[start:stop]=unhexlify(zeros+nibble+bdata+sign) elif ftype == T_UNPK: # unpacked decimal fieldlen=stop-start if debug and ftype==T_UNPK: print('dpack UNPK: fieldlen=%d' % fieldlen) sign=1 if inout & T_DT: # converting from datetime object if data == None: bdata = U0[:fieldlen] # None value is stored as zero elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'DATETIME' and isinstance(data, datetime): bdata = b'%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d' % (data.year, data.month,, data.hour, data.minute, data.second ) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'TIMESTAMP' and isinstance(data, datetime): bdata = b'%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%06d' % (data.year, data.month,, data.hour, data.minute, data.second, data.microsecond ) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'DATE' and isinstance(data, (date, datetime)): bdata = b'%04d%02d%02d' % (data.year, data.month, elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'TIME' and isinstance(data, dtime): bdata = b'%02d%02d%02d' % (data.hour, data.minute, data.second) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'NATDATE' and isinstance(data, (date, datetime)): bdata = str(date2nattime(data.year, data.month, elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'NATTIME' and isinstance(data, datetime): bdata = str(timestamp2nattime(data.year, data.month,, data.hour, data.minute, data.second, data.microsecond)) else: if data < 0: sign = -1 idata = - int(data) bdata = str(idata).encode() # long integers don't have L appended (but with repr()) if not ebcdic: last = struct.pack('=B', 0x70 + idata%10) # last digit is a digit '0'-'9' bdata = bdata[:-1] + last # modify last byte else: idata = int(data) bdata = str(idata).encode() # long integers don't have L appended (but with repr()) datalen=len(bdata) if debug and ftype==T_UNPK: print('dpack UNPK: data=%s datalen=%d' % (bdata,datalen)) if ebcdic: zero=b'\xf0' sbuf[0:datalen] = bdata asc2ebc(sbuf,0,datalen) if sign < 0: # fix last position if negative sbuf[datalen-1] = chr(ord( sbuf[datalen-1] )& 0xdf) # negative is 0xD- bdata=sbuf[:datalen] else: zero=b'0' if datalen > fieldlen: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr Unpacked: data size %d exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s, odata=%s' \ % (datalen,fieldlen,key,bdata,repr(data)), dmap) elif datalen < fieldlen: zeros = (fieldlen - datalen) * zero else: zeros = b'' if debug and ftype==T_UNPK: print(type(zeros), zeros, type(bdata), bdata, start, stop) dmap.buffer[start:stop]=zeros+bdata elif ftype== T_BYTE: fieldlen=stop-start # print( type(data)) if not data: # zero or empty bytes dmap.buffer[start:stop]=fieldlen*b'\x00' elif isinstance(data, (int, type(2**32))): # PY2/3 if data < 0: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr BYTE: data is negative key=%s, data=%s, length=%d' \ % (key,repr(data),stop-start), dmap) if fieldlen == 1: if data & ~0xff: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr BYTE: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack('=B', data) elif fieldlen == 2: if data & ~0xffff: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr BYTE: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack(bo+'H', data) if 0: print('datamap dpack() BYTE', bo, data) dump(dmap.buffer[start:stop]) elif fieldlen == 4: if data & ~0xffffffff: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr BYTE: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack(bo+'L', data) elif fieldlen==8: if data & ~0xffffffffffffffff: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr BYTE: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack(bo+'Q', data) else: xdata=hex(data)[2:] # remove 0x prefix if xdata[-1]=='L': xdata=xdata[:-1] # remove Long int indicator if len(xdata)%2==1: # hexstring uneven xdata='0'+xdata bdata=unhexlify(xdata) if len(bdata) > fieldlen: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr BYTE: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) if len(bdata) < fieldlen: bdata = b'\x00' * (fieldlen-len(bdata)) + bdata # prepend binary zeros if bo == NATIVEBO and sys.byteorder =='little': dmap.buffer[start:stop]=swap(bdata) else: dmap.buffer[start:stop]=bdata else: datalen=len(data) if fieldlen == datalen: dmap.buffer[start:stop]=data elif fieldlen > datalen: dmap.buffer[start:start+datalen]=data dmap.buffer[start+datalen:stop]=(fieldlen-datalen)*b'\x00' else: # fieldlen < datalen dmap.buffer[start:stop]=data[0:fieldlen] elif ftype == T_UINT1: if 0 <= data <= 0xff: dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack('B', data) # UINT1 else: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr Uint1: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) elif ftype == T_INT1: if debug: dump(dmap.buffer[start:stop]) print(dir(dmap.buffer)) if -0x80 <= data <= 0x7f: dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack('b', data) # INT1 else: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr Int1: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) # dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack('=B', data) # '=B' or '=b' elif ftype in T_UINT2: if 0 <= data <= 0xffff: if inout & T_NWBO: bo = NETWORKBO else: bo = dmap.__dict__['byteOrder'] or byteOrder # if instance byteOrder in None take global dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack(bo+'H', data) # UINT2 else: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr Uint2: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) elif ftype == T_INT2: if -0x8000 <= data <= 0x7fff: if inout & T_NWBO: bo = NETWORKBO else: bo = dmap.__dict__['byteOrder'] or byteOrder # if instance byteOrder in None take global dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack(bo+'h', data) # INT2 else: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr Int2: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) elif ftype == T_UINT4: if inout & T_DT: # converting from datetime object if data == None: data = 0 # None value is stored as zero elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'UNIXTIME' and isinstance(data, datetime): data = datetime2unixtime(data.year, data.month,, data.hour, data.minute, data.second ) if 0 <= data <= 0xffffffff: if inout & T_NWBO: bo = NETWORKBO else: bo = dmap.__dict__['byteOrder'] or byteOrder # if instance byteOrder in None take global dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack(bo+'L', data) # UINT4 else: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr Uint4: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) elif ftype == T_INT4: if -0x80000000 <= data <= 0x7fffffff: if inout & T_NWBO: bo = NETWORKBO else: bo = dmap.__dict__['byteOrder'] or byteOrder # if instance byteOrder in None take global dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack(bo+'l', data) # INT4 else: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr Int4: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) elif ftype == T_UINT8: if 0 <= data <= 0xffffffffffffffff: dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack(bo+'Q', data) # UINT8 else: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr Uint8: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) elif ftype == T_INT8: if inout & T_DT: # converting from datetime object if data == None: data = 0 # None value is stored as zero elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'XTIMESTAMP' and isinstance(data, datetime): data = utc2xts(data.year, data.month,, data.hour, data.minute, data.second, data.microsecond ) if -0x8000000000000000 <= data <= 0x7fffffffffffffff: if inout & T_NWBO: bo = NETWORKBO else: bo = dmap.__dict__['byteOrder'] or byteOrder # if instance byteOrder in None take global dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack(bo+'q', data) # INT8 else: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr Int8: data exceeds field size %d, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (stop-start,key,repr(data)), dmap) elif ftype == T_CHAR: enc = dmap.__dict__['encoding'] if sys.hexversion >= 0x3010100: # PY3 if not isinstance(data, (bytes,bytearray,str)): data = repr(data) if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode(enc) else: # PY2 if not isinstance(data, (str,unicode)): data = repr(data) elif isinstance(data, unicode): data = data.encode(enc) # already converted to EBCDIC elif ebcdic: data = str2ebc(data) if len(data) > 1: raise DatamapError('datamap setattr Char: data exceeds 1 byte, key=%s, data=%s' \ % (key,repr(data)), dmap) dmap.buffer[start:start+1] = data else: bo = dmap.__dict__['byteOrder'] or byteOrder # if instance byteOrder in None take global # print( bo, ftype, data, start, stop) dmap.buffer[start:stop]=struct.pack(bo+ftype, data) if ftype == T_CHAR and ebcdic: asc2ebc(dmap.buffer,start,stop)
[docs]def dunpack(dmap, key, indx=0, possiz=None): """ datamap unpack :param index: if index is > 0: indexed access with constant field size>0 if possiz not given :param possiz: list of (pos, size) tuple indexed by index """ global dataIsEbcdic, sbuf if not dmap.buffer: raise DatamapError('dunpack(): no buffer assigned to datamap %r, key=%s, index=%d, possiz=%r' \ % (dmap, key, indx, possiz)) ftype, start, size, inout, fdic = dmap.keydict[key] if possiz: pos, size = possiz[indx] start+=dmap.offset + pos stop=start+size else: start+=dmap.offset + indx*size stop=start+size if debug and indx <2: print( '%s.dunpack(%s,indx=%r) size=%d start=%d stop=%d offset=%d' % ( dmap.dmname, key, indx, size, start, stop, dmap.offset)) print( dmap.keydict[key]) print( '\tpossiz=%r' % possiz) if ftype == T_STRING: enc = dmap.__dict__['encoding'] if sys.hexversion >= 0x3010100: if not inout&T_EBCDIC: return dmap.buffer[start:stop].decode(encoding=enc,errors='replace').rstrip(' ') else: return dmap.buffer[start:stop].decode(encoding='cp037').rstrip(' ') else: espace = dmap.__dict__['espace'] if dmap.__dict__['ebcdic'] or dataIsEbcdic or inout&T_EBCDIC: try: sbuf[0:size]=dmap.buffer[start:stop] except: # ValueError: print('ValueError: size=%d start=%d stop=%d len(sbuf)=%d len(buffer)=%d key=%s indx=%d' % (size, start, stop, len(sbuf), len(dmap.buffer), key, indx)) dump(dmap.buffer) if len(sbuf) < size: # temp buffer too small? _t = sbuf sbuf = Abuf(size) # reallocate in size needed del _t sbuf[0:size]=dmap.buffer[start:stop] else: raise ebc2asc(sbuf,0,size) return sbuf[0:size].rstrip(' ') # no other whitespace else: if debug: print('value=%r' % dmap.buffer[start:stop].rstrip(' ')) return dmap.buffer[start:stop].rstrip(' ') elif ftype == T_UTF16: # Unicode global byteOrder if dmap.__dict__['byteOrder']==NETWORKBO or \ byteOrder==NETWORKBO: return dmap.buffer[start:stop].decode('utf_16_be').rstrip(' ') return dmap.buffer[start:stop].decode(UTF16_NATIVE).rstrip(' ') elif ftype == T_UTF8: # returns unicode string _ret=u' ' try: _ret = dmap.buffer[start:stop].decode('utf_8', 'ignore') except: # UnicodeDecodeError: _ret = b'Invalid UTF8 string '+hexlify(dmap.buffer[start:stop]).decode('utf_8') return _ret.rstrip(' ') elif ftype == T_BYTE: return dmap.buffer[start:stop] elif ftype == T_PACK: # packed decimal sbuf[0:size]=dmap.buffer[start:stop] # supports also ebcdic packed sign=1 hexbytes = hexlify(sbuf[0:size]) # bytes type in PY3 #if sys.hexversion >= 0x3010100: # hexstr = hexbytes.decode() #else: # hexstr = hexbytes #if hexstr[-1:].upper() in 'BD': if hexbytes[-1:].upper() in b'BD': sign=-1 if not (inout & T_DT): # datetime output return sign * int(hexbytes[:-1]) else: #size = len(hexstr)-1 size = len(hexbytes)-1 sbuf[0:size] = hexbytes[:-1] if sbuf[0:size] == U0[:size]: # Any datetime 0 value is returned as None return None if fdic.get('dt', None) in ('DATETIME','TIMESTAMP'): return datetime(*str2dt(sbuf[1:size])) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'DATE': return date(int(sbuf[1:5]), int(sbuf[5:7]), int(sbuf[7:9])) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'TIME': return dtime(int(sbuf[1:3]), int(sbuf[3:5]), int(sbuf[5:7])) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'NATDATE': return date(*natdate2date(int(sbuf[0:size]))) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'NATTIME': return datetime(*nattime2timestamp(int(sbuf[0:size]))) elif ftype == T_UNPK: # unpacked decimal if 0: print('sbuf',sbuf[:size],'size',size) print('buffer',dmap.buffer[start:stop],'start',start,'stop', stop) print(dmap.keydict[key], possiz) sbuf[0:size]=dmap.buffer[start:stop] if dmap.__dict__['ebcdic'] or dataIsEbcdic or inout & T_EBCDIC: if size>1: ebc2asc(sbuf,0,size-1) hx = hexlify( sbuf[size-1:size] ).upper() # b'F',b'9' zone,lastdig = hx[0:1],hx[-1:] # print('hx=%r, lastdig=%r, zone=%r' % (hx,lastdig,zone,)) if zone in b'BD': sbuf[size-1:size]=unhexlify(b'7'+lastdig) else: sbuf[size-1:size]=unhexlify(b'3'+lastdig) if inout & T_DT: # datetime output if sbuf[0:size] == U0[:size]: # Any datetime 0 value is returned as None return None if fdic.get('dt', None) in ('DATETIME','TIMESTAMP'): return datetime(*str2dt(sbuf[0:size])) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'DATE': return date(int(sbuf[0:4]), int(sbuf[4:6]), int(sbuf[6:8])) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'TIME': return dtime(int(sbuf[0:2]), int(sbuf[2:4]), int(sbuf[4:6])) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'NATDATE': return date(*natdate2date(int(sbuf[0:size]))) elif fdic.get('dt', None) == 'NATTIME': return datetime(*nattime2timestamp(int(sbuf[0:size]))) sign=1 if sys.hexversion >= 0x3010100: lastdig = sbuf[size-1:size] if lastdig > b'9': # '9' or 'y' (negative) = b'\x39' or b'\x79' (negative) sign=-1 lastdig = hexlify(lastdig)[-1:] # b'9' return sign * int( (sbuf[:size-1]+lastdig).decode('ascii')) else: lastdig = sbuf[size-1:] if lastdig > b'9': sign=-1 lastdig = hexlify(lastdig)[-1:] return sign * int(sbuf[:size-1]+lastdig) else: # elif ftype == T_INT4: if inout & T_NWBO: bo = NETWORKBO else: bo = dmap.__dict__['byteOrder'] or byteOrder # if instance byteOrder in None take global try: ii, = struct.unpack(bo+ftype, dmap.buffer[start:stop]) # '=l' except: # struct.unpack error: print( 'Invalid data for struct.unpack() type=%s, offset=%4X, length=%d' % ( ftype, start-dmap.offset, stop-start)) dump(dmap.buffer[start:stop]) raise # print( 'getattr byteOrder+ftype', byteOrder+ftype, key, ii, type(ii)) if ftype == T_CHAR and \ ( dmap.__dict__['ebcdic'] or dataIsEbcdic or inout&T_EBCDIC): return str2asc(ii) elif inout & T_DT: if fdic.get('dt', None)=='UNIXTIME' and ftype in (T_INT4, T_INT8) : return datetime(*unix2utc(ii)) elif fdic.get('dt', None)=='XTIMESTAMP' and ftype==T_INT8 : return datetime(*xts2utc(ii)) else: return ii
[docs]class Multiple(object): """ Initialize with Multiple(supermap, key, occurs [, submap]) if 'occurs' is a function it will be called in prepare() to determine the actual occurrences before field access This class is used internally when defining fields with occurs>0 """ def __init__(self, supermap, superkey, occurs=1, submap=None): object.__setattr__(self,'supermap',supermap) # datamap which defines element object.__setattr__(self,'superkey',superkey) # key of element in supermap object.__setattr__(self,'submap',submap) # optional datamap (e.g. Periodic) # object.__setattr__(self,'startpos',datamap.keydict[superkey][1]) if callable(occurs): object.__setattr__(self,'occfunc',occurs) object.__setattr__(self,'occurs',0) else: object.__setattr__(self,'occurs',occurs) object.__setattr__(self,'possiz',None) def __getitem__(self,indx): " currently only integers as index, no slice parameter!!!" if debug and indx<2: # debug if isinstance(self, Multiple): print( INDENT, '%s.%s.__getitem__(%d) ' % (self.supermap.dmname, self.superkey, indx)) else: print( INDENT, '%s.__getitem__(%d)' % (self.dmname, indx)) if 0 <= indx < self.occurs: if self.submap: sm = self.submap dm = self.supermap startpos=dm.keydict[self.superkey][1] # current position sm.buffer=dm.buffer # copy buffer from enclosing datamap if self.possiz: # possiz list created in prepare() pos, siz = self.possiz[indx] sm.offset=dm.offset+startpos+pos else: sm.offset=dm.offset+startpos+indx*sm.dmlen return sm else: return dunpack(self.supermap, self.superkey, indx=indx, possiz=self.possiz) raise StopIteration('Field %s.%s index %d is out of range 0 - %d' % ( self.supermap.dmname, self.superkey, indx, self.occurs-1)) def __setitem__(self,indx, value): " currently only integers as index, no slice parameter!!!" # print( 'set one value indexed %s(%d)' % (self.superkey, indx)) if self.submap: raise DatamapError('Value assignment to datamap %s field %s[%d] invalid' % ( self.supermap.dmname, self.superkey, indx), self.supermap ) if 0 <= indx < self.occurs: dpack(self.supermap, self.superkey, value, indx=indx) else: raise StopIteration('Field %s.%s[%d] index out of range 0 : %d' % ( self.supermap.dmname, self.superkey, indx, self.occurs)) return self.occurs
[docs]class Datamap(object): """ Datamap maps attributes to fields located in buffer+offset. This is similar to a struct in C and involves un-/packing to/from Python objects. It is used to handle data structures external to Python. Internally, attributes are defined as tuples per field list parameter and stored as keys in the dict 'keydict' that contains tuples of - data_type, - slice_start, - slice_length, - read/write ability - function or method to convert to readable string The sequence of fields is maintained in the the list 'keylist' Attribute tuples are generated with a list of data type specific functions. Each defines the attribute name and other field options Examples:: >>> from adapya.base.defs import Abuf >>> from adapya.base.datamap import Datamap, String, Int2 >>> g = Datamap( 'mymap',String('foo', 6),Int2('bar') ) >>> g.buffer=Abuf(8) >>> >>>'abcdef' >>> print( # attribute access abcdef >>> dump(g.buffer) # contents of buffer Buffer 0000 61626364 6566FF00 abcdef.. /ÂÄÀÁÃ.. <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> >>> print( '%(foo)s and %(bar)d' % g) # dictionary access abcdef and 255 The following keywords are supported: - **buffer** sets the buffer on which the datamap is mapped - **offset** defines the offset in the buffer where the datamap starts - **encoding** sets the encoding to convert to/from Unicode (default 'Latin1') - **ebcdic** if True: Alpha strings are in EBCDIC (encoding will be set to 'cp037' if not encoding is not specified) - **byteOrder** define byte order for whole datamap (NETWORKBO or NATIVEBO) - **occurs** multiple occurrence of datamap, e.g. PE group is a fixed number or an occurrence function, for example occurs=lambda:m1.occ - is a reference the occurrence count - **dmlen** - **varies** indicates variable field positions and lengths - **supermap** enclosing datamap which provides defaults for buffer, offset etc. """ def __init__(self, dmname, *fieldlist, **kw): self.__dict__['espace'] = None # encoded space character in buffer (depends on encoding) self.__dict__['buffer'] = None self.__dict__['byteOrder'] = None self.__dict__['ebcdic'] = 0 self.__dict__['encoding'] = '' # encoding to convert to/from unicode self.__dict__['dmlen'] = 0 self.__dict__['dmname'] = dmname self.__dict__['initix'] = -1 # last field intitialized (index in keylist) self.__dict__['initdmlen'] = 0 self.__dict__['occurs'] = 0 self.__dict__['offset'] = 0 self.__dict__['varies'] = 0 self.__dict__['supermap'] = None for k,v in kw.items(): if k in ('byteOrder','buffer','ebcdic','encoding', 'occurs','offset','supermap','varies'): self.__dict__[k] = v elif k == 'dmlen': self.__dict__['dmlen'] = v self.__dict__['initdmlen'] = v elif k == 'byteorder': self.__dict__['byteOrder'] = v else: raise DatamapError('Undefined keyword %s'%k, self) enc = self.__dict__['encoding'] ebc = self.__dict__['ebcdic'] if not enc: # no encoding set if self.__dict__['ebcdic']: enc = 'cp037' # standard US EBCDIC else: enc = 'latin_1' # standard ISO-8859-1 self.__dict__['encoding'] = enc else: if not ebc and enc in ('cp037',): # asc2ebc and ebc2asc with std cp037/Latin1 self.__dict__['ebcdic'] = 1 self.__dict__['espace'] = ' '.encode(enc) # py2/3 newdic = {} fieldpos = 0 keylist = [] self.__dict__['keydict']=newdic keysize=0 # max. size of field name capsize = 0 # caption size for v in fieldlist: # key - field name, fty - field type, odict - field options key, fty, size, odict = v assert key,'field must have a name in field definition %s' % v assert not key in newdic, 'field name %r already defined in datamap' % (key,) fieldopt=0 fdict={} # field options if isinstance(odict, dict): fdict = odict.copy() # shallow copy # evaluate special keywords and delete from fdict if 'repos' in fdict: ipos = fdict['repos'] assert ipos, 'Datamap Field definition: repos must not be zero' if self.__dict__['dmlen'] < fieldpos: # update dmlen with last max. position used self.__dict__['dmlen'] = fieldpos # total size of all fields self.__dict__['initdmlen'] = fieldpos # total size of all fields fieldpos+=ipos # del fdict['repos'] # need repos for prepare when updating positions if 'pos' in fdict: if self.__dict__['dmlen'] < fieldpos: # update dmlen with last max. position used self.__dict__['dmlen'] = fieldpos # total size of all fields self.__dict__['initdmlen'] = fieldpos # total size of all fields fieldpos=fdict['pos'] del fdict['pos'] if 'opt' in fdict: fieldopt|=fdict['opt'] del fdict['opt'] if 'dt' in fdict: dtv = fdict['dt'] if dtv in ('DATETIME','TIMESTAMP','DATE','TIME', 'NATDATE','NATTIME','UNIXTIME','XTIMESTAMP'): fieldopt|=T_DT # convert to/from datetime() object caption = fdict.get('caption','') # display title with dprint() capsize = max(capsize,len(caption)) # size of biggest caption # Use display column size if set otherwise the bigger of field size or field name # This is relevant for colum-wise print in lprint() if 'colsize' not in fdict: sz = size if fty == T_BYTE or fieldopt & T_HEX: sz*=2 elif fieldopt & T_STCK: sz = max(sz, 19) elif fty in (T_UINT1,): sz=3 elif fty in (T_INT1,): sz=4 elif fty in (T_UINT2,): sz=5 elif fty in (T_INT2,): sz=6 elif fty in (T_INT4, T_UINT4, T_UINT8, T_INT8): sz=10 elif fty == T_PACK: sz = size * 2 - 1 elif fieldopt & T_DT: sz = 19 # datetime() str() 9999-12-31 23:59:59 # sz = 26 # with microsecond fdict['colsize'] = max(sz,len(key)) if callable(size): fdict['initsize'] = size size=0 # current size == 0 else: if fty == T_UTF16: size*=2 # each unicode char is 2 bytes fdict['initsize'] = size if not fieldopt&T_INOUT: fieldopt|=T_INOUT # if neither IN/OUT set default to INOUT newdic[key] = [fty, fieldpos, size, fieldopt, fdict] keylist.append(key) occurs = fdict.get('occurs',0) if occurs: fds = fdict.get('submap', None) # sub datamap i.e. Periodic fdict['submap'] = Multiple(self, key, occurs, submap=fds) if fds: fds.supermap=self fieldpos += size # Periodic: size is already dmlen*occurs or 0 if variable if fds.varies: self.varies=1 elif not callable(occurs): fieldpos += size * occurs # Multiple field else: # self.varies=1 else: fieldpos+=size if keysize < len(key): # width of attribute name for printing keysize=len(key) if size == 0: self.__dict__['varies']=1 # mark datamap varies in size if self.__dict__['dmlen'] < fieldpos: self.__dict__['dmlen'] = fieldpos # total size of all fields self.__dict__['initdmlen'] = fieldpos # total size of all fields self.__dict__['keylist'] = keylist self.__dict__['keysize'] = keysize # max size of attribute name self.__dict__['capsize'] = capsize # max size of caption # print( self.__dict__['keydict'])
[docs] def getsize(self): """:returns: size of datamap""" return self.__dict__['dmlen']
[docs] def prepare(self): """ Prepare datamap for field access. This function must be called if datamap contains variable fields or variable number of occurences. It sets the exact field position [1] and size [2] in the field definition list so that field access can use it. For variable length fields position/size excludes the length part initsize - stores the initial size (=0 for variable fields). """ if debug: global INDENT print( INDENT, '%s.prepare() with dmlen=%d varies=%d buffer=%r offset=%d' % ( self.dmname, self.dmlen, self.varies, self.buffer, self.offset)) INDENT+=4*' ' if not self.varies: # nothing to do if no variable components return fieldpos = 0 start = fieldpos + self.offset keylist = self.__dict__['keylist'] for i, k in enumerate(keylist): fdef = self.__dict__['keydict'][k] ftype,pos,sz,opt,fdic = fdef fieldpos += fdic.get('repos',0) if fieldpos != pos: # update current field position if debug: print( 'updating %s.%s pos from %d to %d' % (self.dmname, k, pos, fieldpos)) fdef[1] = fieldpos size = fdic.get('initsize') # could be number or function mu = fdic.get('submap',None) if mu is not None: # Multiple field or PE group # Note: Multiple has length function! if debug: print( INDENT, 'prepare:', self.dmname, k, fdef) if ftype == T_DMAP: sm = mu.submap if debug: print( INDENT, 'prepare: if submap %s varies=%d, dmlen=%d: call prepare()' %( sm.dmname,sm.varies,sm.dmlen)) if not sm.varies: size=sm.dmlen else: sm.prepare() if debug: print( INDENT, 'prepare: after calling prepare for', sm.dmname, sm.dmlen, sm.varies) occfunc = mu.__dict__.get('occfunc',None) if occfunc: occurs = occfunc() # current number of occurrences if debug: print( INDENT, 'prepare: mupex=%d' % abs(occurs)) if occurs < 0: # occurrence counter before field, abs(occurs) is size of counter assert -2 <= occurs,'Invalid MUPE size %d, only 1 or 2 defined' % (abs(occurs),) fieldpos += occurs # byte position before MU field or PE group copt = T_MUPE|T_VAR1 if occurs == -1 else T_MUPE|T_VAR2 fieldpos,occurs = self.getpossiz(i, copt, fieldpos) # i = field element in datamap mu.occurs=occurs else: occurs = mu.__dict__.get('occurs',0) # fixed number if debug: print( INDENT, 'prepare: key=%s, fieldpos=%d, occurs=%d' % ( k, fieldpos, mu.__dict__.get('occurs',0))) if opt & (T_VAR0 | T_VAR1 | T_VAR2 | T_VAR4): # this is a variable field possiz = [] for ix in range(occurs): fieldpos,size = self.getpossiz(i, opt, fieldpos) # i = field element index in datamap possiz.append((fieldpos,size)) fdic['possiz'] = possiz else: if debug: print( INDENT, 'prepare: key=%s, fieldpos=%d, size=%d, occurs=%d, totalsize=%d' % ( k, fieldpos, size, occurs, size*occurs)) fieldpos += size * occurs else: # single field if opt & (T_VAR0 | T_VAR1 | T_VAR2 | T_VAR4): # this is a variable field fieldpos,size = self.getpossiz(i, opt, fieldpos) # i = field element index in datamap if size != sz: fdef[2] = size if fieldpos != pos: # update current field position to data portion fdef[1] = fieldpos if debug: print( k, fieldpos, size, pos, sz) fieldpos += size if fieldpos > self.dmlen: # update current dmlen if debug: print( 'updating %s.dmlen from %d to %d' % (self.dmname, self.dmlen, fieldpos)) self.dmlen = fieldpos if debug: INDENT = INDENT[:-4]
[docs] def getpossiz(self, index, opt, fieldpos): """ Determine position and size in variable field or occ. count before MU/PE field ( opt & T_MUPE) called from prepare() """ # debug = 1 bo = self.__dict__['byteOrder'] pm = self while pm: # find outmost datamap for buffer and offsets ppm = pm.supermap if ppm is None: break pm = ppm if bo is None: bo = pm.__dict__['byteOrder'] or byteOrder start = fieldpos + pm.offset keylist = self.__dict__['keylist'] k = keylist[index] fdef = self.__dict__['keydict'][k] ftype,pos,sz,opt,fdic = fdef if debug: global INDENT INDENT += 4*' ' print( INDENT, '%s.getpossiz() for %s start %d = fieldpos %d + offset %d bo=%s in buffer %r' % ( self.dmname, k, start, fieldpos, self.offset, bo, self.buffer)) if opt & T_VAR1: size, = struct.unpack(bo+T_UINT1, pm.buffer[start:start+1]) if size > 0 and not opt & T_MUPE: size -= 1 # minus 1 fieldpos += 1 elif opt & T_VAR2: size, = struct.unpack(bo+T_UINT2, pm.buffer[start:start+2]) if not opt & T_MUPE: if size <= 2: size = 0 else: size -= 2 fieldpos += 2 elif opt & T_VAR4: size, = struct.unpack(bo+T_UINT4, self.buffer[start:start+4]) if size <= 4: size = 0 else: size -= 4 fieldpos += 4 elif opt & T_VAR0: fun = fdic.get('sizefunc', None) if isinstance(fun, (types.FunctionType,types.MethodType)): size = fun() # call interpretation if debug: print('fun(): %d' % size) elif isinstance(fun, types.IntType): # variable/const size = fun # get the value if debug: print('fun(): %d' % size) else: size = 0 else: size=0 if debug: print('non var? size=0') pass if debug: INDENT = INDENT[:-4] return fieldpos, size
[docs] def rippledown(self, fun, parm): """ apply function to lower datamaps no data is returned """ keylist = self.__dict__['keylist'] for i, k in enumerate(keylist): fdef = self.__dict__['keydict'][k] ftype,pos,sz,opt,fdic = fdef mu = fdic.get('submap',None) if mu is not None: # Multiple field or PE group # Note: Multiple has length function! # print( INDENT, 'rippledown:', self.dmname, k, fdef) if ftype == T_DMAP: sm = mu.submap # print( INDENT, 'rippledown(): %s calling %s' %(sm.dmname, fun)) smfun = getattr(sm,fun) smfun(parm)
def setByteOrder(self, byteorder): if byteorder == NETWORKBO: bo = byteorder else: bo = NATIVEBO if self.__dict__['byteOrder'] != bo: self.__dict__['byteOrder'] = bo # print('calling rippledown in setByetOrder(%s, %r)' %(self.dmname,bo)) self.rippledown('setByteOrder', bo) # set it in submaps # print( 'setByteOrder()' , self.byteOrder)
[docs] def setEbcdic(self, yesno): """set String/Char data to EBDIC in datamap This method also overrides any encoding with 'cp037' for EBCDIC or 'Latin_1' for not EBCDIC. :param yesno: 0 to switch to EBCDIC or 1 to switch to ASCII """ ebc = self.__dict__['ebcdic'] if ebc: if yesno: return # already set to ebcdic else: # switch off ebcdic self.__dict__['encoding'] = 'latin_1' self.__dict__['ebcdic'] = 0 else: if yesno: self.__dict__['encoding'] = 'cp037' self.__dict__['ebcdic'] = 1 # print('calling rippledown in setEbcdic(%s, %r)' %(self.dmname,yesno)) self.rippledown('setEbcdic', yesno)
def setNativeByteOrder(self): self.__dict__['byteOrder']=NATIVEBO # print( 'setNativeByteOrder()' , self.byteOrder) def setNetworkByteOrder(self): self.__dict__['byteOrder']=NETWORKBO # print( 'setNetworkByteOrder()', self.byteOrder)
[docs] def setfsize(self, key, newsize): """ set new fieldsize Note: offsets of the following fields are not adjusted! """ ftype, start, size, inout, fdic = self.keydict[key] size = newsize self.keydict[key] = (ftype, start, size, inout, fdic)
[docs] def dprint(self, indent=0, proff=0, selectfields=(), skipnull=0, title='' ): """Print detail lines with all attributes :param proff: 1 = print offset when walking through buffers :parm selectfields: display only fields listed (optional) :parm skipnull: 1 = do not display empty fields :parm title: title to display else datamap name """ indstr=' '*indent if title: name = title else: name = self.__dict__['dmname'] #o replication buffer specifics: move to urb/reptor code: #o override function dprint() """ change the following eye = self.buffer[self.offset:self.offset+4] global dataIsEbcdic if self.__dict__['ebcdic'] or dataIsEbcdic: eye = str2asc(eye) """ if proff: offstr = " at offset X'%04X'" % self.offset else: offstr = '' print( "%s%s%s" % (indstr, name, offstr)) ks = self.capsize or self.keysize # use keysize if capsize==0 i.e. no caption was defined for k in self.__dict__['keylist']: (t,x,y,opt,fdic) = self.__dict__['keydict'][k] if opt & T_NONE: # do not display filler fields continue if selectfields and k not in selectfields: continue dstr='' ostr = self.__getattr__(k) # data value or Multiple() if isinstance(ostr, Multiple): # this can be MU field or a PE group if t == T_DMAP: # PE Group print() # separating empty line ostr.submap.lprint(header=1, indent=indent+4) for i in ostr: # iterate on PE occurrences returns PE group datamap instance i i.lprint(indent=indent+4,proff=1) print() # separating empty line continue # finished with this element else: # iterate the MU field mustrings = [] for oi in range(ostr.occurs): mustrings.append('%r' % ostr[oi]) print( '[%s]' % (', '.join(mustrings),) ) # print MU values continue if skipnull: if not ostr: continue elif isinstance(ostr, str) and ostr == len(ostr)*'\x00': continue elif PY3 and isinstance(ostr, bytes) and ostr == len(ostr)*b'\x00': continue #else: # print( 'skip?:', ostr, type(ostr)) fun = fdic.get('ppfunc', None) if isinstance(fun, types.FunctionType): dstr = fun(ostr) # call interpretation elif isinstance(fun, types.MethodType): # method dstr = fun(ostr) # call interpretation ???no self kk = fdic.get('caption', k) # use caption as title or key if t in (T_STRING, T_BYTE, T_CHAR, T_UTF8, T_UTF16): if t == T_BYTE: ostr = "X'%s'" % rawhex(ostr) if len(ostr) == 0: ostr='00'*y print( '%s%-*s = %s %s' % (indstr, ks, kk, ostr, dstr)) else: if len(ostr) == 0: ostr=' '*y else: # ostr=repr(ostr)[1:-1] # omit double quotes pass print( '%s%-*s = %r %s' % (indstr, ks, kk, ostr, dstr)) # remove single quotes from repr() # print( "%s%-*s = '%s' %s" % (indstr, ks, kk, ostr, dstr)) else: if opt&T_STCK: if t==T_UINT4: ostr = sstck(ostr,gmt=opt&T_GMT) # local time if T_GMT not set else: # should be T_UINT8 ostr = sstckd(ostr,gmt=opt&T_GMT) # local time if T_GMT not set if opt&T_HEX: ostr = "X'%0*X'" % (2*y,ostr) if dstr: # result of function call print( '%s%-*s = %s' % (indstr, ks, kk, dstr)) else: # not string/byte/function print( '%s%-*s = %s' % (indstr, ks, kk, ostr)) print()
[docs] def items(self, selectfields=()): """Return list of name value pairs on the fields in datamap Restriction: no composite fields :todo: check if byte arrays/fields can be used when handling bytes >>> from adapya.base.datamap import Datamap, String, Int2 >>> g = Datamap( 'mymap',String('foo', 6),Int2('bar') ) >>> from adapya.base.defs import Abuf >>> g.buffer=Abuf(8) >>> >>>'abcdef' >>> g.items() [('foo', 'abcdef'), ('bar', 255)] """ myitems=[] for k in self.__dict__['keylist']: (t,x,y,opt,fdic) = self.__dict__['keydict'][k] if opt & T_NONE: # do not display filler fields continue if selectfields and k not in selectfields: continue ostr = self.__getattr__(k) if isinstance(ostr, Multiple): # this can be MU field or a PE group continue fun = fdic.get('ppfunc', None) if fun: if isinstance(fun, types.FunctionType): ostr = fun(ostr) # call interpretation elif isinstance(fun, types.MethodType): # method ostr = fun(ostr) # call interpretation ???no self elif t == T_BYTE: # ostr = '%s' % hexlify(ostr).upper() #if len(ostr) == 0: # ostr='00'*y ostr = bytes(ostr) elif opt&T_STCK: if t==T_UINT4: ostr = stck.sstck(ostr,gmt=opt&T_GMT) # local time if T_GMT not set cs = max(cs,19) # adapt column size if blank elif t==T_UINT8: # should be T_UINT8 ostr = stck.sstckd(ostr,gmt=opt&T_GMT) # local time if T_GMT not set cs = max(cs,cs if 'colsize' in fdic else 30) # adapt column size if blank elif opt&T_HEX and t not in (T_STRING, T_CHAR, T_UTF8, T_UTF16): ostr = "%0*X" % (2*y,ostr) myitems.append( (k,ostr) ) return myitems
[docs] def lprint(self, header=0, indent=0, proff=0, selectfields=(), col1=''): """ Print line with all attributes in one line with :param header: 1: print only header :param indent: Columns to indent (default = 0) :param proff: 1: print offset when walking through buffers :param selectfields: display only fields listed (optional) :param col1: prefix text as first column (use to add index numbers to line) Header and detail line should pass same string length """ indstr=' '*indent name = self.__dict__['dmname'] if header: if proff: offstr = " at offset X'%04X'" % self.offset else: offstr = '' print( "%s%s%s" % (indstr, name, offstr)) # print('header indstr = %r col1 = %r' % (indstr,col1)) print(indstr+col1,end='') # column size determined by max. caption and field length for k in self.__dict__['keylist']: (t,x,y,opt,fdic) = self.__dict__['keydict'][k] if opt & T_NONE: # do not display filler fields continue if selectfields and k not in selectfields: continue kk = fdic.get('caption', k) # use field caption or key if 'colsize' in fdic: cs=fdic['colsize'] elif opt & T_STCK: if t==T_UINT4: stcksz = 19 else: stcksz = 30 cs=max(fdic.get('colsize', len(kk)), stcksz) else: cs=len(kk) if t in (T_STRING, T_UTF8, T_UTF16): # strings left aligned print( '%-*s' % (cs, kk), end=' ') else: # numeric values right aligned print( '%*s' % (cs, kk), end=' ') print() return # --- end of header print --- print( indstr+col1, end='') # print line with all fields for k in self.__dict__['keylist']: (t,x,y,opt,fdic) = self.__dict__['keydict'][k] #if k == 'cmdt': # print( 'k =',k, t, x, y, opt, fdic, self.__getattr__(k)) if opt & T_NONE: # do not display filler fields continue if selectfields and k not in selectfields: continue ostr = self.__getattr__(k) if isinstance(ostr, Multiple): # this can be MU field or a PE group if t == T_DMAP: # PE Group ostr.supermap.lprint(header=1, indent=indent+4) for i in ostr: i.lprint(indent=indent+4) continue # finished with this element else: # iterate the MU field mustrings = [] for os in ostr: mustrings.append('%r' % os) print( ', '.join(mustrings)) #o integrate code below to each value #o continue kk=fdic.get('caption',k) # use column header if defined cs=fdic.get('colsize', len(kk)) # column size fun = fdic.get('ppfunc', None) if fun: if isinstance(fun, types.FunctionType): ostr = fun(ostr) # call interpretation elif isinstance(fun, types.MethodType): # method ostr = fun(ostr) # call interpretation ???no self cs=max(cs,len(ostr)) elif t == T_BYTE: ostr = '%s' % hexlify(ostr).upper() if len(ostr) == 0: ostr='00'*y elif opt&T_STCK: if t==T_UINT4: ostr = sstck(ostr,gmt=opt&T_GMT) # local time if T_GMT not set cs = max(cs,19) # adapt column size if blank elif t==T_UINT8: # should be T_UINT8 ostr = sstckd(ostr,gmt=opt&T_GMT) # local time if T_GMT not set cs = max(cs,cs if 'colsize' in fdic else 30) # adapt column size if blank elif opt&T_HEX and t not in (T_STRING, T_CHAR, T_UTF8, T_UTF16): ostr = "%0*X" % (2*y,ostr) if t in LEFT_ALIGNED: print( '%-*s' % (cs, ostr), end=' ') else: print( '%*s' % (cs, ostr), end=' ') # left align print()
def __getattr__(self,key): # function will only be called if normal instance attribute lookup fails # e.g. self.buffer would not come here because it is initalized (to None) in # self.__dict__ if not isinstance(self, Datamap): print('Expected Datamap instance is of %r' % type(self)) raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__, key)) if 0: print( INDENT, '%s.%s.__getattr__()\n\t%r' % (self.dmname,key,self.keydict)) if key in self.keydict: ftype, start, size, inout, fdic = self.keydict[key] if 0: print( INDENT, '%s.%s.__getattr__()\n\t%r' % (self.dmname,key,self.keydict)) if 'submap' in fdic: return fdic['submap'] # return Multiple/Datamap object else: return dunpack(self, key) else: if 0 and key in ('buffer', 'offset') and self.supermap: # locate buffer and offset in outmost datamap that encloses datamap self pmfirst = pm = self.supermap while pm : pm, pmfirst = pm.supermap, pm return dunpack(pmfirst, key) raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__, key)) def __getitem__(self,key): "Dictionary type of usage: b['str']" return self.__getattr__(key) def __setitem__(self,key,data): "Dictionary type of usage: b['str']='abcde'" return self.__setattr__(key,data) def __setattr__(self,key,data): global dataIsEbcdic if key in self.keydict: ftype, start, size, inout, fdic = self.keydict[key] if not (inout & T_IN): raise DatamapError("Field %s must not be modified" % key, self) if 'submap' in fdic: # Only come here if d.mufield = (val1,val2) # d.mufield[1] = value is resolved as # d.__getitem__() returning submap object (e.g. Multiple) followed by # submap.__setitem__() occurs = fdic.get('occurs',0) if callable(occurs): occurs=occurs() # elif isinstance(occurs, (list,tuple)): # todo # get and set occ functions given: set occurrences function # to update occurrence count or Format with index range if occurs > 0 and isinstance(data, (list,tuple)) and len(data) <= occurs: for i, val in enumerate(data): dpack(self, key, val, indx=i) else: if isinstance(data, (list,tuple)): raise DatamapError('Assignment to submap/multiple %s only for tuples/list with size %d < max occurrence %d' % ( key,len(data),occurs), self) else: raise DatamapError('Assignment to submap/multiple %s only for tuples/list, given %r' % ( key,data), self) else: dpack(self, key, data) else: if key in self.__dict__: # key must be defined at class init self.__dict__[key]=data else: raise DatamapError('Attribute %s not defined in Datamap'%key, self)
[docs] def genfb(self): """ Generate Format buffer from datamap with fields defining Adabas field name with options fn datamap instance must have field name *fn* added to the options dict of each field :returns: string with format buffer contents Note: currently limited to normal fields - no PE/MU support >>> from adapya.base.datamap import Datamap,Int2,String >>> g = Datamap('mymap',String('foo',6,fn='AA'),Int2('bar',fn='AB',occurs=3)) >>> g.genfb() 'AA,6,A,AB,2,F.' """ import os if PY3: from _io import StringIO else: from cStringIO import StringIO fbuf = StringIO() for k in self.__dict__['keylist']: (ftype, start, size, inout, fdic) = self.__dict__['keydict'][k] if fbuf.tell() > 0: fbuf.write(',') # separate from previous field if 'fn' in fdic: fn = fdic['fn'] occ = fdic.get('occurs',0) # (fixed) occurrences or zero if occ > 1: occ = '1-%d' % occ else: occ='' ffrm = DM2ADAF.get(ftype,'') if ffrm: fbuf.write('%s%s,%d,%s' % (fn,occ,size,ffrm) ) else: fbuf.write('%s,%d' % (fn,size) ) else: fbuf.write('%dX' % size ) # field name not found: leave empty fbuf.write('.') # close format buffer field list fbs=fbuf.getvalue() return fbs # return prepared format buffer string
[docs] def getfndef(self,name): """Get Adabas field definition from datamap :returns: tuple Adabas (field name, length, format) or None if name does not exist or field name not found >>> g = Datamap( 'mymap',String('foo',6,fn='AA'),Int2('bar',fn='AB') ) >>> g.getfndef('foo') ('AA', 6, 'A') """ fdef = self.__dict__['keydict'].get(name,None) if fdef: (ftype, start, size, inout, fdic) = fdef if 'fn' in fdic: fn = fdic['fn'] ffrm = DM2ADAF.get(ftype,'') return (fn, size, ffrm) return None
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset attributes/key values of a datamap to default values if buffer variable is set:: >> adac.cb.reset() """ if self.buffer: # can only reset values if buffer is underlying for key in self.keylist: # go from left to right ftype, start, size, inout, fdic = self.keydict[key] if not (inout & T_IN): continue # do not reset input only fields if ftype == T_STRING: value = '' elif ftype in (T_UTF16, T_UTF8): value = u'' elif ftype == T_BYTE: value = b'' elif ftype == T_CHAR: # one character value = ' ' else: # numeric type if inout & T_DT: value = None else: value = 0 if 'submap' in fdic: # Only come here if d.mufield = (val1,val2) # d.mufield[1] = value is resolved as # d.__getitem__() returning submap object (e.g. Multiple) followed by # submap.__setitem__() occurs = fdic.get('occurs',0) if callable(occurs): occurs=occurs() # elif isinstance(occurs, (list,tuple)): # todo # get and set occ functions given: set occurrences function # to update occurrence count or Format with index range if occurs > 0: for i in range(occurs): dpack(self, key, value, indx=i) else: dpack(self, key, value)
[docs] def update(self, *kviter, **kw): """ Update or set the attributes/keys of a datamap to the values in the list given as list or iterable of (key, value) pairs or as list of keyword=value itmes :param kviter: list or iterable of 'key',value pairs :param kw: list of key=value Example:: >> empl.update(name='Bell',first_name='John') """ for k,v in kviter: self.__setattr__(k,v) for k,v in kw.items(): self.__setattr__(k,v)
[docs]def fndef2datamap(name,fndef): """ Return a Fieldmap class from a fndef list :param fndef: list of fndef tuples :param name: class name to be returned """ class Fieldmap(Datamap): def __init__(self,**kw): Datamap.__init__(self, name, *flist, **kw) Fieldmap.__name__ = name.capitalize() return Fieldmap
# # define pack and unpack for numerical types # d = Datamap( 'formats', Unpacked( 'u', 29, pos=0), Packed( 'p', 15, pos=0), Bytes( 'b', 126, pos=0), Int1( 'f1', pos=0), Int2( 'f2', pos=0), Int4( 'f4', pos=0), Int8( 'f8', pos=0), Uint1( 'u1', pos=0), # unsigned integer Uint2( 'u2', pos=0), Uint4( 'u4', pos=0), Uint8( 'u8', pos=0), ) d.buffer = Abuf(126) d.setNativeByteOrder()
[docs]def fpack(value, format, length, byteorder=None, ebcdic=0): """ Pack number to byte string in one of the following number representations/formats supported by Adabas: Unpacked, Packed, Binary, Fixpoint, unsigned integer 'u' :param value: number (int/long) :param format: 'U', 'P', 'B', 'F', 'u' :param length: allowed are for U:1-30, P:1-15, B:1-126, F:1,2,4,8 u:1,2,4,8 :returns: string in PY2 and bytes in PY3 Example:: >>> from adapya.base.datamap import fpack >>> fpack(234,'P',2) == b'\x23\x4c' True """ d.setEbcdic(ebcdic) if byteorder: d.setByteOrder(byteorder) else: d.setNativeByteOrder() # reset if format=='U': d.setfsize('u',length) # set length for converting U with u mapped to buffer d.u=value elif format=='P': d.setfsize('p',length) d.p=value elif format=='B': d.setfsize('b',length) d.b=value elif format=='F': if length == 2: d.f2=value elif length == 4: d.f4=value else: # length == 8 d.f8=value elif format=='u': # unsigned integer if length == 1: d.u1=value elif length == 2: d.u2=value elif length == 4: d.u4=value else: # length == 8 d.u8=value return d.buffer[:length]
[docs]def funpack(bstring, format, byteorder=None,ebcdic=0): """Unpacks number from byte string in one of the following number representations/formats supported by Adabas: Unpacked, Packed, Binary, Fixpoint :param value: Byte string :param format: 'U', 'P', 'B', and 'F' plus 'u' unsigned :param byteorder: NETWORKBO or NATIVEBO (defined in datamap) :returns: number (int/long) for 'U', 'P', 'F' and 'u' or byte string for 'B' Example:: >>> from adapya.base.datamap import funpack >>> funpack(b'\x23\x4d','P') -234 """ d.setEbcdic(ebcdic) if byteorder: d.setByteOrder(byteorder) else: d.setNativeByteOrder() # reset length = len(bstring) d.buffer[0:length] = bstring if format=='U': d.setfsize('u',length) # set length for converting U with u mapped to buffer return d.u elif format=='P': d.setfsize('p',length) return d.p elif format=='B': d.setfsize('b',length) return d.b elif format=='F': if length == 1: return d.f1 elif length == 2: return d.f2 elif length == 4: return d.f4 else: # length == 8 return d.f8 elif format=='u': if length == 1: return d.u1 elif length == 2: return d.u2 elif length == 4: return d.u4 else: # length == 8 return d.u8
# Copyright 2004-ThisYear Software AG # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License.