************ Installation ************ :: > pip install adapya-adabas This installs the *adapya-adabas* with the Python package installer from the Python Package Index web site. A required package is adapya-base which will be also installed by pip. Or to install from a zip file (similarly for tar file):: > pip install adapya-adabas-1.3.0.zip On z/OS use the following parameters (in one line):: > pip install -U --no-index --disable-pip-version-check --no-binary all adapya-adabas-1.3.0.zip .. note:: If your local internet is protected by a http proxy you may need to set the HTTP\_PROXY environment variable before running pip:: SET HTTP\_PROXY=http://: Not setting it may result in time out operations. Prerequisites ============= Before installing adapya ensure the following: - Python is available on the platform. adapya-adabas supports the Python versions 2.7 or 3.5 and higher - Adabas installed (for local or remote use) - Net-Work (for remote Adabas access) This is product WCP or WCL on local machine and Adabas and Net-Work remotely. .. note:: For users starting with Python a recommended read is the short Python Tutorial available with function key F1 in the IDLE Python GUI or at ``_ PYTHONPATH Installation ======================= Alternatively, the PYTHONPATH installation allows for temporary package installation by adding the location of the package to the PYTHONPATH environment variable. As location may serve the directory where the package was extracted to or the package zip file itself. When the Python interpreter is started it evaluates the environment variable **PYTHONPATH** and adds any directories listed to its search path for modules. For example, on Windows the following steps would do a PYTHONPATH installation: - The zip file adapya-adabas-1.3.0.zip contains a directory adapya/adabas/\* - Unzip adapya-adabas-1.3.0.zip to a convenient location e.g.:: > C:/ADA/Python maintaining the subdirectory structure - Set/check the following system variables On Windows (Win-key + PAUSE-key) open the System Control / select Extended Control / button Environment Variable:: > REM adapya-adabas Python directory > set PYA=C:\ada\python\adapya-adabas-1.3.0 > set PYTHONPATH=%PYA%;%PYTHONPATH% When the Python interpreter is started it evaluates the environment variable **PYTHONPATH** and adds any directories listed to its search path for modules. - Open a cmd window Go to Adabas demo files directory:: > cd %PYA%/adapya/adabas/scripts - Check successful installation with dblist.py to show the status of your Adabas databases, e.g. 10 :: > python dblist.py -d 10 Additional Windows Installation Notes ===================================== Simplifying Execution of Python Scripts --------------------------------------- The option to register Python files can be selected during the Python installation. This binds certain Python file types and associations to the Python executable being installed (or to the Python launcher py.exe). For example for .py the following may have been set:: ftype Python.File="C:\\Windows\\py.exe" "%L" %\* ftype Python.ArchiveFile="C:\\Windows\\py.exe" "%L" %\* ftype Python.CompiledFile="C:\\Windows\\py.exe" "%L" %\* ftype Python.NoConArchiveFile="C:\\Windows\\pyw.exe" "%L" %\* ftype Python.NoConFile="C:\\Windows\\pyw.exe" "%L" %\* assoc .py=Python.File assoc .pyc=Python.CompiledFile assoc .pyo=Python.CompiledFile assoc .pyw=Python.NoConFile assoc .pyz=Python.ArchiveFile assoc .pyzw=Python.NoConArchiveFile If you add **.py** and the corresponding compiled extensions to the PATHEXT variable it is possible to run a script without writing the extension :: set PATHEXT=.py;.pyc;.pyo;%PATHEXT% dblist -d 8 rather than typing:: python dblist.py -d 8 Unix/Linux PYTHONPATH Installation ================================== The PYTHONPATH environment variable defines an extra search path for python modules. If the path to the Adabas Python directory is added to the variable it is included in the search:: cd /FS/disk01/pya # root directory tar xf adapya-adabas-1.3.0.tar # unpack to adapya-adabas-1.3.0 setenv PYA "/FS/disk01/pya" setenv PYTHONPATH $PYA':'$PYTHONPATH # add PYA to PYTHONPATH cd $PYA/adapya/adabas/scripts # go to directory python dblist.py -h